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Mr. McCubrey of the State Highway Department was present asking the village <br />to approve the plans for the ramp approaches of 35E at County Road J and <br />Otter Lake Road. Village engineer recommended approval. Ross moved we approv] <br />the plans as presented with second by Backlin. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Stromberg, owner of property on Baldwin Lake Road, requested a permit <br />to build a home on that street. During discussion, Domning stated the <br />village should be given easement rights for the purpose of building a road <br />through this area for probable future building. Gotwald and Backlin will <br />begin immediately to obtain these easments, after which Mr. Stromberg may <br />request a variance and proceed with his building, if all other requirements <br />of the building code are in order. <br />Mr. Christenson of the Northern Sanitary Sewer District was present to <br />discuss their contemplated service into this area, and their request for <br />federal assistance. In keeping with the overall plan originally set up in <br />1954 by NSSD, they requested a statement from the Village covering our <br />immediate and future interest in sewers for this village. It was suggested <br />we might also consult with and include Centerville. Gotwald stated the <br />field work was done on the sewer study, and Ross moved the Council go on <br />record in asking Gotwald to expedite this information and furnish it to <br />NSSD as soon as possible, preferably within the next two weeks. Second by <br />Speiser, motion carried. <br />Minutes of the previous meeting were read and corrected. Speiser moved we <br />approve the minutes as corrected, second by Ross, motion carried. <br />Letter from Mrs. Michaud was read concerning the Rice Creek situation, and <br />Ross moved we have the engineer investigate to see if similar letters were <br />sent to other official sources controlling these waters and report back to <br />the Council. Second by Domning, motion carried. <br />A letter was read from D. R. McFadden, Deputy District Engineer, in answer <br />to our request to investigate the accident conditions on the intersection <br />of Highways 8 and 49. Ross will discuss with the Planning and Zoning <br />Committee to determine what further information should be given to the <br />Highway Department. <br />Speiser moved we have Goerge Gotwald attend a meeting to be held April 13 <br />in the State Highway Department offices regarding the entire crossing of <br />35W through this village. Second by Domning. Motion carried. <br />A letter was read from the Utilities Commission stating the feasibility <br />report was ready and suggesting a meeting with our Council on Monday, <br />April 18 to discuss it. Council will notify them we will be there at 7:30 pm <br />since no time was stipulated. <br />Treasurers report was read. <br />The attorney turned over to Mr. Backlin the information requested on load <br />limits. However, a special form to fill out for the bonding has not yet <br />been prepared. Also to be set up is a graduated set of permit fees, since <br />because of the new ordinance it is not known how much investigation would <br />have to be done in each instance. <br />Suggestion was made that the Council consider contacting the County Com- <br />missioners, and request that in the future any construction of roads in <br />our village by the County be discussed and approved with the Council. No <br />action taken. <br />