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04/25/1966 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/25/1966 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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d <br />152 <br />Backlin also reported that the Highway Department was blocking off the <br />road at 35W and 4th Avenue, and that the school had been notified in <br />order to change their routes. Joe Davis asked that the postoffice also be offic <br />ially notified for mail routes to be altered. <br />Mr. Stromberg was present and asked if the village engineer and attorney <br />were responsible to have the easements worked out pursuant to his, Strom - <br />berg, building a house on Baldwin Lake Road. Attorney advised Mr. Stromberg <br />he should take care of this. Mr. Ross asked to have the following entered <br />into the minutes relative to the above matter: "A Mr. Wally Stucke, 6220 <br />Baldwin Lake Drive, appeared at the Planning and Zoning meeting on 4/20/66 <br />and brought before the commission a problem of concern over a street being <br />constructed too near his house. A permit had been given to another party <br />for constructing a house in back of Mr. Stucke. Moved and seconded to <br />recommend to the Council that no action be taken on building a road until <br />both parties concerned have been heard. Motion carried." After this <br />discussion, Backlin moved that Mr. Stromberg proceed to procure the neces- <br />sary easements, and pay for his own engineering and legal fees. Second by <br />Ross, motion carried. <br />Discussion was again brought up on using the St. Paul Water Department <br />property for a park, and the attorney was instructed to draw up a resolu- <br />tion to present to the Water Department on our proposed use of this property. <br />Speiser reported he and the engineer had checked the blacktopping in other <br />parks, but had not as yet received any information on our own proposed <br />work. A request for quote had been made from the H &S Company in Anoka on <br />a 60 x 120' court. Also asked to have the attorney check to see if the <br />property on Main Street had been restricted to the use of a park only. <br />Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting were read. (see file) <br />Ross moved that we designate May as "cleanup month" and that notices of <br />this action be placed in the papers. Second by Backlin,,motion carried. <br />Jim Hill appeared before the Council and stated he had favorable recom- <br />mendation from the Planning and Zoning Committee for approval of his <br />parcel split. Ross moved we grant this request, with the stipulation by <br />our legal council that no precedent is being set. Second by Speiser, <br />motion carried. Special variance is hereby granted, and a fee of $25 <br />will be charged for the special use permit, <br />Gotwald reported that Bob Lund attended the meeting of the Highway Depart- <br />ment on April 13, but it was an informational meeting only for those <br />contractors who had questions. <br />Gotwald reported they had put in letter form the information requested by <br />Mr. Christenson, however, it was necessary for the letter to be signed <br />by a Village Official. Letter was presented to the clerk, who will sign <br />and mail. <br />Gotwald stated that the engineer's office had contacted other utility com- <br />panies and contractors and felt that the $200,000 figure presented by the <br />Circle Pines Utilities seemed to be a, reasonable estimate. (Detailed <br />footages of different pipe sizes with approximate costs were given). Ross <br />moved we grant Circle Pines Utilities permission to proceed with the <br />proposed extension. Backlin seconded the motion, and approximately an <br />hours discussion followed. On the vote, Ross -yes, Speiser -no, Backlin -yes, <br />Zelinka -no and Domning -no. Motion failed. <br />
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