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05/09/1966 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/09/1966 Council Minutes
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154 <br />Gotwald reported that no work was done on the streets in Lakeview Area in <br />1965 because of the water situation, and because the cross streets had not <br />been seal coated since 1963, it was his recommendation the entire area be <br />seal coated and sanded at an estimated cost of $4,310. Leaving off the <br />cross streets would run approximately $30240. If we contracted to include <br />the work as suggested to solve the drainage problem, this would add approx- <br />imately $1,500, bringing the total to $5,800. <br />Following discussion of the above road work, Backlin moved, with second by <br />Ross, that we have the engineer work out a schedule of street improvement <br />substantiated by informal bids. <br />Backlin discussed the problem on East Holly concerning right-of-way on <br />property' of Mr. Neeser, after which he moved that the attorney check on this <br />right-of-way. (Neeser has already given permission, it is Lundgren who <br />needs the right-of-way). Backlin also asked the attorney what had been <br />found out on the situation with Arnold Thies. Locher had talked to the <br />attorney representing Thies, but had not received a return call indicating <br />Thies had been contacted. Will try to solve this situation before the <br />next meeting. <br />Pete Scherer and Backlin again discussed the road situation by Scherer's <br />property, and it was Mr. Wcherer's opinion that the Council should apply <br />pressure to the County Commissioners to get the necessary work done. <br />After a lengthy discussion on the subject, Ralph L'Allier moved that <br />Backlin contact the County officials, ask them for their proposed plans <br />and attempt to set up a meeting for the Council to determine if the Cty <br />plans were acceptable. Domning seconded the motion. <br />At this time, Locher administered the oath of office to Ralph L'Allier, <br />after which return was made to the above motion, and which was then <br />approved unanimously. <br />Ross reported that the next Planning & Zoning meeting would be held on <br />May 18th. One of the things coming up for discussion would be the Plumb- <br />ing and Heating code, since the new Minnesota code has been received. <br />He also reported that the price for the second set of aerial maps would <br />be $3.00 per section. <br />Gordon Stromberg again appeared before the Council in regard to a building <br />permit to construct a home on Baldwin Lake Road. One of the problems <br />involved is that the St. Paul, Water Department will not issue a full ease- <br />ment, but would consider issuing a permit for one year for the sum of Si. <br />During discussion with the Council, Mr. Stromberg agreed that he would <br />not sell any portion of his property without the proper request for plat- <br />ting, and agreed to use the existing road as a private driveway with the <br />village not being responsible for any maintenance on this road. He also <br />agreed that if the village should lease this road and surrounding property <br />from the Water Department, that he would t that time change his driveway <br />to connect with the Water Department Road. L'Allier then moved we grant <br />Mr. Stromberg a Special Use Permit at a fee of $25.00 with all of the above <br />stipulations included on the permit. Second, by Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />(The above agreement is covered by Ordinance 22, Section 27). <br />Ross asked if any answer had been received yet on the set-up question for <br />the "49" Club, because he felt the situation at the club and the attitude <br />of the Nathe's had put the Council in a very poor position. Locher replied <br />that he had been checking every week, but nothing had yet been decided. <br />
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