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1 60: <br />Backlin asked Locher if cost of permits, amount of bonds etc., had yet been <br />established to go along with permits on the haul roads. This ordinance <br />has not been passed, has only been taken under advisement, however, copies <br />will be made for the Council to discuss further. <br />Backlin reported they were still working on Ware Road, and expected to <br />have the equipment moved in and work started on Lakeview in the next week <br />or two. <br />Ross moved we join the Anoka County Municipal Association and pay the $50 <br />fee for the balance of 1966. Backlin seconded, motion carried. No repre- <br />sentative from the Council was appointed. <br />Ross announced the next Planning and Zoning meeting would be Wednesday, <br />the 22nd. Also commented he felt there was some tardiness on the clean <br />up, but most people had been doing a good job. <br />L'Allier reported on the Centerville Townboard meeting which he had attended <br />when some of the County Commissioners had asked what progress was being made <br />on the park for Anoka County. They had suggested that the two villages <br />build an access road into the park area. It was suggested duringthe <br />discussion that we draw up a resolution requesting the County Commissioners <br />to put this road on the county agenda. Domning appointed L'Allier to <br />meet with Centerville and draw up a joint resolution. <br />Hank Heckenlaible reported from the audience on the hearing held in Anoka <br />pertaining to the splitting of Lot 11 on North Road and Lakeview. The <br />Court held the hearing over until July llth to allow all those interested <br />to be present with their attornies, if desired, or to contact other people <br />to be present, if interested. After considerable discussion concerning <br />possible action by the Council, L'Allier moved we have Locher check this <br />case and inform the Council whether they should or could do anything. <br />Second was by Ross, motion carried. <br />Gotwald asked the attorney to check the legality of the bid for seal <br />coating, after which Backlin moved we proceed with the advertisement <br />for this bid. Second by Ross, motion carried. <br />1 <br />Locher was not in approval with the renewal insurance policies just received, <br />and he and L'Allier will have further information on these for the next <br />meeting. Particular objection was made to having no insurance on persons <br />under arrest in a police vehicle. <br />Locher read the revised contract for North Central as drawn up by the <br />attornies. Before this was discussed, Ross requested the Clerk to read the <br />letter from the Circle Pines Council statingthey were open for further <br />discussion on the gas franchise. Ross then moved we have one more meeting <br />with Circle Pines and hear what they had to say. Backlin seconded the motion. <br />On the vote, L'Allier, no; Ross, yes; Backlin, yes; Zelinka, no; and <br />Domning, no. Motion failed. <br />Discussion followed on the revisions to the contract for North Central, <br />after which Zelinka moved we approve the contract. L'Allier seconded the <br />motion, and on the vote: L'Allier, yes; Ross, no; Backlin, no; Zelinka, <br />yes and Domning, yes. Motion carried. <br />IIIA resolution drawn up by the attornies indicating the intent of the Council <br />and a letter advising the Circle Pines Utilities of this intent and <br />defining the areas to be served by the 2 Utilities was discussed. Zelinka <br />moved we table the resolution but send the letter to the Circle Pines Utili- <br />ties. Second by L'Allier, motion carried. <br />