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08/07/1967 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/07/1967 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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235..E <br />Mr, L'Allier moved that the Park Board purchase a new flag at Sunrise Park. Seconded by <br />W. Cardinal.. Carried unanimously. <br />W. L'Allier moved that the Village authorize Gunder Gunderson to raise and lower the <br />IIIflag at Lino Park, also to keep the flag at his house. Seconded by W. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />Pete Scherer inquired whether building of a new Village Hall would be on the Nov. ballot. <br />It was suggested that we needed a minimum of 10 acres located on a good road. <br />W. Cardinal made a motion to adjourn at 10:44 Al, seconded by W. Rosengren. Carried. <br />Minutes approved Meeting of August 13, 1967. �s �. Deputy <br />Clerk <br />A Special Meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council was held on Monday, August 7, 1967, <br />at the Village Hall, called to order at 8:25 PM by Ralph L'Allier, Chairman. W. L'Allier <br />explained that attempts to contact W. Ross and W. Bohjanen prior to the meeting were <br />unsuccessful due to both being on vacation. According to Ord. No. 20, Rule 24, the <br />three Councilmen present, W. L'Allier, W. Rosengren and W. Cardinal, signed an <br />affidavit waiving posting of special notice of the meeting. <br />Mr. L'Allier said that he had met with the Herbert Millers on Sat., Aug. 5, for the <br />purpose of discussing the possibilities of the Village purchasing their land for a <br />Village park. Previously they had indicated that the selling price would be $500 per <br />acre at 4% interest; however, their attorney advised them that they should receive a <br />minimum of 7% interest. Further, they stated that they had a buyer willing to pay $600 <br />IIIper acre cash and they wanted a definite answer from the Village by Monday evening, <br />Aug. 7. They discussed the advantages of selling laid to the Village rather than to an <br />individual -- increased property value, tax -free interest, no capital gains, etc. The. <br />Millers said they were no longer willing to sell at $500 per acre; however, if. the <br />Village would pay $600 per acre at 7%, they would rather sell to the Village. W. <br />L'Allier informed them that we would have a special meeting and contact them Monday eve. <br />The purpose of the meeting therefore was to determine the intent of the Council. <br />Discussion followed. Mr. Rosengren stated that lakeshore was worth more and that Resh- <br />anau Lake was the only good lake in Lino Lakes not controlled by the St. Paul Water Dept. <br />Also no other park sites had been proposed. Many other pros and cons were discussed. Mr. <br />L'Allier said he did not wish details of the meeting to be released to the newspapers <br />until the absent members had been informed of the proceedings. <br />Mr. George Gotwald was called in to give his opinion of the property. He stated that <br />it would cost the Village approximately $4800-$5000 to clean the silt and bulrushes <br />from the swimming area and to deposit it on the low land for use as a parking area. He <br />also explained other work that would need to be done and outlined potential uses for the <br />land. Mr. Gotwald said that it was feasible to construct a beach without expending too <br />much money as there are no special engineering problems involved. <br />W. Gotwald also indicated that a certificate of survey from the seller was necessary <br />before purchase was made. <br />It was the consensus of the members present that $600 per acre at 7% was too high for <br />IIIthe Village to pay for the land owned by W. & Mrs. Miller. <br />W. Rosengren made a motion that the Village offer the Millers $500 per acre at 5%, with <br />$2000 down, payments to be arranged, the seller providing certificates of survey for the <br />land to be designated for multi purpose use. Seconded by W. Cardinal. Ayes by Mr. <br />Cardinal and W. Rosengren. W. L'Allier stated that he felt that $500 per acre was too <br />much, but maybe it was worth it in long -range terms. He felt that the absent members <br />
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