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08/14/1967 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/14/1967 Council Minutes
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1/2/2015 11:44:42 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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237 <br />Engineer to discuss this land for a Village Hall. Mr. Cardinal was designated to set <br />up the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Mr. Jaworski stated he felt that prompt <br />action should be taken. Motion carried. <br />IIIW. Bohjanen made a motion that Mr. Bob Martin of the Springsted Co. be asked to prepare <br />a feasibility study of the Village of Lino Lakes to determine limit of indebtedness <br />which the Village could assume at this time, areas where development would be the great- <br />est, newer bonds if needed, road study and any other bonding studies which would cost <br />the Village $250.00; and that if possible Mr. Martin be asked to appear at the ? &Ztmeet- <br />ing on Wednesday and if he could not make this time he should appear at the next Council <br />meeting. Seconded by Mr. L'Allier. Motion carried with Mr. Cardinal, Mr. Bohjanen and <br />Mr. L'Allier voting for the motion and Mr. Rosengren and Mr. Ross voting against the <br />motion. <br />Mr. Bohjanen made a motion that we write the State of Minnesota, the Treatment Center, <br />Mr. Gary Flakne and others interested in getting something done regarding the intersection <br />of Hwy 326 and Hwy 8 such as an ark light, a left turn lane and other safety features. <br />Seconded by Mr. L'Allier. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Rosengren stated Rolling Hills Dr. and Bald Eagle Blvd. were nearly completed. Mr. <br />Rosengren stated he received a petition from residents on Oak Drive to fix up that <br />street. He also stated he had a bill for the fence and steel posts for $184.00. <br />Mr. Gotwald discussed the service road along 35E and he stated the Hwy Dept. was posting <br />same for speed and warnigg signs, and this in the opinion of the State would cut the <br />accidents down considerably. <br />Mr. Locher stated 774 ballots were cast in the 1966 election. <br />IIIMrs. Olson appeared before the Council regarding their trailer house and the matter was <br />continued to a later date. <br />Mr. Ross talked about the trailer court's roads and Mr. Locher stated he would write <br />another letter to the owners. <br />Mr. Scherer asked why the Village pickup was not left at the Hall when not used. Mr. <br />Houle of the Personnel Commission stated that the truck should be left at the Village <br />Hall. Mr. Ross stated that since this was the wishes of the Council Mr. Backlin should <br />in the future leave the truck at the Village Hall. <br />Motion at 10:13 was made by Mr. L'Allier to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion <br />carried. <br />Bills. <br />1474 Alfred Ross $ 50.00 <br />1475 Henry Rosengren 50.00 <br />1476 William Bohjanen 50.00 <br />1477 Andrew Cardinal 50.00 <br />1478 Ralph L'Allier 50.00 <br />1479 E. C. Ludwig 100.00 <br />1480 James M. Ray 11.94 <br />1481 Car Card Center No. 4 4.00 <br />1482 Lino Gun Shop 65.00 <br />1483 Ronald M. Koch 20.00 <br />1484 William Nadeau 9.00 <br />1485 Ricky Kline 3.00 <br />1486 Greg Dupre 2.00 <br />1487 Gary Olson 3.75 <br />1488 Michael DeMotts 11.75 <br />1489 Myron Snell 8.00 <br />1490 Goddon P. Stucke 1.50 <br />
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