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04/07/1993 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
04/07/1993 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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COUNCIL WORK SESSION APRIL 7, 1993 <br />activity on the outlots rise so it is not a permitted activity?" <br />It can be argued that a boat launch is an accessory use, however <br />in that case the boat launch cannot be constructed until the <br />principal use is constructed. Mr. Hawkins explained that <br />permitted uses on residential lots would include a dwelling with <br />a boat launch for the owner of the house. That would be normal <br />accessory uses. He explained that if this matter cannot be <br />resolved by mediation, there could be cause for legal action by <br />the City. <br />Council Member Kuether asked if everything that has happened on <br />the Outlots is legal except for the boat launch. Mr. Hawkins <br />said that he has not viewed the area and did not know. <br />Mr. Brixius read a portion of the City Code that requires a site <br />plan review for improvements on the outlots and he also noted <br />that a permit process is outlined in the Shoreland Ordinance. He <br />felt that if there is to be any alteration on the outlots a PDO <br />rezone is required as well as a site plan and a grading plan. <br />Mr. Brixius stated that a boat launch is a non riparian use of <br />the lake and since such usage is not mentioned in the Shoreland <br />Ordinance it is questionable if it is permitted. <br />Mr. Hawkins explained that when this matter was under discussion <br />last fall, the improvements to the outlots were not prohibited <br />and the courts do not issue orders to prevent something that has <br />not been done. However, at this time activities show what the <br />Homeowner's Association intend to do with them. He said he would <br />prefer that an agreement regarding the use of the outlots be <br />completed otherwise the City Council will have to take legal <br />action. <br />Mayor Reinert explained that a legal opinion on this matter was <br />requested by the City Council. He also explained that Mediation <br />Services will meet with Mr. Schumacher and Mr. Hawkins to prepare <br />for individual meetings with the Reshanau Park Estates <br />Homeowner's Association and the Reshanau Lake Association <br />members. The City will step back and allow Mediation Services to <br />complete its process and come to an understanding. <br />Mayor Reinert asked that Mr. Hawkins and Mr. Brixius prepare a <br />complete and specific outline of the City's position. He noted <br />that some residents are very new to the City and are not familiar <br />with the sensitive environment in this area. Mr. Schumacher <br />explained that this outline will be available on Monday (April <br />12, 1993) for City Council review. <br />Update, Pornography Ordinance - The Planning and Zoning Board <br />will be holding a public hearing on the draft ordinance. Mr. <br />PAGE 2 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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