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07/06/1994 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/06/1994 Council Minutes
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1/15/2015 2:16:32 PM
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1/15/2015 10:32:33 AM
City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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27 J <br />Mr. Powell said the key concern was the sewer alignment is five feet inside the <br />County right-of-way, and the city is asking for an easement 10 feet inside the Barrott <br />property, plus a temporary easement to give the contractor room to work. This <br />particular sewer alignment was necessary because of the watermain already in place. <br />Mr. Schneider asked if the temporary easement could be cut back. Mr. Powell said <br />they could try to establish clear limits with the contractors and fence off the area <br />where they could work. Mr. Reinert questioned whether the city could interplant new <br />trees to replace what was taken. Mr. Barrott replied the trees were mature and <br />couldn't be replaced. <br />Mr. Powell said the city was restricted by how much right-of-way the County was <br />willing to give, and rerouting the sewer on the south side of Birch would mean tearing <br />up property that is already graded and landscaped. The south side is also served <br />internally with sewer. <br />Mr. Powell discussed the possibility of boring two tunnels, one from the west side of <br />the Barrott property to the driveway, and another to the east end, and pushing pipes <br />under the trees. This would add approximately $70,000 in costs, based on Reshanau <br />Trunk sewer costs. Mr. Schneider suggested shorter jackings, and said boring might <br />be difficult with the soils on the property. If the soils are good, the alignment could <br />be changed slightly and not affect the watermain. Mr. Powell said he would work for <br />an additional five-foot easement from the County. He added that $40,000 had been <br />included for easement acquisition, and some of this could be shifted to construction <br />costs. Mr. Reinert asked Mr. Powell to attempt to find a compromise with Mr. Barrott. <br />INSURANCE UMBRELLA AND RELATED INSURANCE ISSUES - BOB KELL Y <br />Mr. Kelly reviewed costs to include Volunteer Coverage on the city's policy. This <br />would cover most volunteers not covered under worker's comp. The cost is <br />approximately $1,300/year, which provides disability and death benefits. It will cost <br />$585 to add medical reimbursement. Coverage for volunteers working on construction <br />projects will cost $435 per project with medical reimbursement. <br />Mr. Reinert asked how the policy defined a volunteer. Coaches and instructors, <br />workers at city celebrations and clean-ups, and members of volunteer organizations <br />would be included, but First Responders and police reserves would not. Ms. Schloer <br />added that volunteers must be under the city's direction and control to be covered. <br />Mr. Kelly said the purpose of the policy is to provide insurance where most people <br />don't have coverage. To keep the premium down the quote does not include medical <br />coverage. <br />Ms. Kuether recommended the city get the volunteer coverage plus the additional <br />medical. Mr. Kelly said this policy is no-fault and does not provide for deductible. Mr. <br />Bergeson said having the policy would set limits, so the city is on the record as to <br />what it is responsible for. Mr. Reinert said this should be considered at budget time. <br />Mr. Kelly said the city's renewal date is Aug. 26, but the policy can be prorated and <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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