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COUNCIL MINUTES December 8, 2014 <br />DRAFT <br />136 Council Member Roeser moved to approve Resolution No. 14-149, as presented. Council Member <br />137 Kusterman seconded the motion. Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. <br />138 <br />139 iv) Consider Resolution No. 14-150, Adopting the 2015 Recreation Fund Budget <br />140 <br />141 Council Member Roeser moved to approve Resolution No. 14-150, as presented. Council Member <br />142 Kusterman seconded the motion. Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. <br />143 <br />144 B) Consider Resolution No. 14-151 Amending the 2014 General Operating Budget — Finance <br />145 Director Rolek explained that at this time of the year, staff brings forward a resolution to update the <br />146 2014 budget resolution to reflect changes that occurred during the year. He noted that there is <br />147 sufficient revenue to cover the changes. <br />148 <br />149 Council Member Rafferty moved to approve Resolution No. 14-151, as presented. Council Member <br />150 Stoesz seconded the motion. Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. <br />151 <br />152 C) Consider Resolution No. 14-152 Committing Specific Revenue Sources in Special Revenue <br />153 Funds — Finance Director Rolek explained the accounting standards requirement that cities with <br />154 special revenue funds must designate the source of revenue for those funds. That is the purpose of this <br />155 resolution. <br />156 <br />157 Council Member Rafferty moved to approve Resolution No. 14-152, as presented. Council Member <br />158 Stoesz seconded the motion. Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. <br />159 <br />160 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT REPORT <br />161 <br />162 3A) Consider Six -Month Employment Extension for Recycling Program Intern — <br />163 Environmental Coordinator Asleson explained that staff is requesting authorization to extend the <br />164 internship of the city's environmental intern. The intern has done a lot to enhance recycling efforts in <br />165 the city. The position is fully funded by a grant from Anoka County and funds will continue to be <br />166 available in 2015. <br />167 <br />168 Mayor Reinert noted that the addition of a monthly recycling day in the city has proven a success in <br />169 bringing in more recycling. Council Member Roeser asked about funding available if cities establish <br />170 a dedicated recycling center and also asked about adding cardboard to the materials accepted for <br />171 recycling. <br />172 <br />173 Council Member Kusterman moved to approve the employment extension as recommended by staff. <br />174 Council Member Roeser seconded the motion. Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. <br />175 <br />176 PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT REPORT <br />177 <br />178 Items 4A and 4B had been removed from the agenda. <br />179 <br />180 4C) Public Safety Department Update — Chief Swenson updated the council on the following: <br />4 <br />