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ARTICLE VIII <br />Amendment <br />This Agreement may be amended when the Members agree, by resolution of both the Fire Chief <br />Directors and the Elected Official Directors. Notice of any proposed amendment shall be <br />provided to all participating Members at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the <br />proposed amendment. <br />ARTICLE IX <br />Liability and Insurance <br />9.1 Insurance. <br />ACFPC is a separate and distinct public entity. As such, ACFPC shall purchase and maintain <br />adequate insurance to protect the entity and its participant Members against risk of loss for the <br />following, which includes, but is not limited to: <br />(1) Damage to any ACFPC property, personal and/or real, as well as any improvements <br />located thereon against claims that may arise during the construction, operation, use, or <br />maintenance of any ACFPC property; <br />(2) Against claims which may arise from the regular activities of ACFPC as contemplated by <br />the purposes of this Agreement; <br />(3) Against unemployment and workers compensation, if ACFPC hires employees; <br />(4) Against claims which may arise based on the good -faith actions of the Joint Powers <br />Board and its Officers; <br />(5) Against any other risk of loss that, in the judgment of the Members, will best promote the <br />purposes of ACFPC. <br />9.2 Liability. <br />Each Member shall be responsible for its own acts and those of its elected officials, employees, agents, <br />independent contractors and the results thereof, and shall not be responsible for the acts of any other <br />Member, its elected officials, employees, agents, or independent contractors and the results thereof, <br />except as otherwise provided in this Agreement. Claims, liabilities, obligations, losses, expenses <br />(including insurance premiums as well as reasonable attorney and other professional fees), judgments <br />and costs paid or incurred by ACFPC (which arise out of its performance or failure to perform its duties <br />under this Agreement), to the extent not covered by insurance proceeds or a self-insurance risk pool, <br />shall be included in the annual operating budget for the next calendar year. Amounts included in the <br />8 <br />