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01/18/1995 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/18/1995 Council Minutes
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1/22/2015 2:02:26 PM
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City Council
Council Document Type
Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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COUNCIL WORK SESSION JANUARY 18, 1995 <br />developing the proposed subdivision of Trapper's Crossing is for <br />the City Council to adopt a resolution ordering a feasibility <br />study for the improvement of Holly Drive/12th Avenue. The <br />southeast corner of the intersection of Holly Drive and Ash <br />Street may be developed for recreational purposes which could <br />generate a significant amount of traffic. Since the improvement <br />of Holly Drive/12th Avenue would benefit the recreational complex <br />and the surrounding residential area, Mr. Powell recommended that <br />the City pay a portion of the cost of the study. He also <br />explained that if Trapper's Crossing is not constructed, the <br />study would be used in the future when Holly Drive/12th Avenue is <br />reconstructed. Mr. Powell explained that the developer of Fox <br />Trace was given a credit toward the cost of the feasibility study <br />for the utility improvement because the utility improvement will <br />benefit an area much wider than the Fox Trace development. Mr. <br />Powell recommended that the City be consistent and allow a credit <br />in this project. <br />Mr. Schumacher asked that granting credits for feasibility <br />studies that benefit more than the proposed development be <br />formalized into a policy that can be made part of the City's <br />Improvement Policy. <br />Mr. Powell explained that plans and specifications have already <br />been ordered for Well No. 3. This well is the third well planned <br />for the west side of the City. The well will be located either <br />on the Apitz property or the LaMotte property. It appears that <br />the final site location will be the LaMotte property. Appraisal <br />of the property has not been completed. However, there is an <br />urgency to this matter because of the shortage of water <br />experienced last summer. Negotiations with the landowner will <br />proceed when the appraisal is complete. <br />Mr. Powell explained that the former City Engineer was the Lino <br />Lake's representative to the Vadnais Lake Area Water Management <br />Organization (VLAWMO). VLAWMO is now requesting that the City <br />Council appoint another representative. Mr. Powell explained <br />that a person with some technical expertise be appointed and <br />noted that there is a person at TKDA that could temporarily be <br />appointed. Mayor Reinert also noted that Mr. Rockey Keehn, an <br />engineer with SEH would also be well qualified. Ms. Wyland was <br />asked to contact Mr. Keehn to see if he would be interested in <br />the position. Since this is a voting position, it was <br />recommended that all interested persons be advised of the need to <br />attend the monthly meetings. <br />Council Member Bergeson noted that if a qualified technical <br />person in the City cannot be found, a technically qualified staff <br />person would be appointed. <br />PAGE 2 <br />
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