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01/03/1997 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
01/03/1997 Council Minutes
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SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 3, 1997 <br />Lyden explained that the City Council took action in October. Ms. Goering asked if the <br />grievance period had lapsed since that action was taken. Mayor Landers will get this <br />information. <br />Mayor Landers expressed concern regarding the technical aspect of this matter. He said <br />that the City Council will have to investigate to determine if the grievance issues have <br />been resolved and whether the City Council can or cannot issue a summary of the tapes. <br />Ms. Goering explained that if all the issues regarding a legal conclusion have been made, <br />the public is entitled to a summary. <br />Mrs. Anderson explained that both the Quad Press and the Minneapolis Tribune have <br />repeatedly requested access to the tapes, minutes of the special meeting on October 14, <br />1996 and copies of the disciplinary action for those persons judged to be in need of <br />reprimands. <br />Council Member Bergeson noted that Mayor Landers was going to contact the League of <br />Minnesota Cites to see if their attorney would do the review of the draft transcriptions for <br />all three (3) tapes. Mayor Landers said he did contact the League and originally they said <br />they were to busy. Now they have decided to not become involved because litigation is a <br />possibility and the League insurance may have to defend the City. Council Member <br />Bergeson said he is disappointed with the League because it would seem that they should <br />show the City how to avoid litigation. <br />Ms. Goering explained that the City could request an opinion from the State Department <br />of Administration. Their cost would be about $100.00 per hour and they will provide a <br />letter of approval to the City. Ms. Goering said that she would write a brief letter to the <br />Department of Administration which would take three (3) to four (4) hours. The opinion <br />may say that the City must release the transcription of the tapes with names crossed out <br />or they could say the City does not have to release any information. Ms. Goering also <br />noted that the Department of Administration wrote the data practice legislation. The <br />Commissioner of the Administration Department would provide the ruling. <br />Council Member Kuether said that she did not want to get hit with an enormous bill and <br />asked that a limit of $1,000.00 be placed on this matter. <br />Council Member Bergeson asked Ms. Goering if she was given a copy of the <br />transcription and one (1) tape, could she get the "flavor" of what this matter is all about, <br />could she then provide a more accurate estimate of costs. Ms. Goering explained that <br />there are a number of ways this matter can be handled. Council Member Kuether asked <br />how long would it take to get an opinion from the Department of Administration. Ms. <br />Goering explained. Ms. Goering felt that there is no requirement to do a summary of the <br />tapes. Council Member Bergeson noted that the League was of the opinion that releasing <br />a document would be enough for the newspapers. Mayor Landers explained that the City <br />relies very heavily on the Leagues opinion. Council Member Lyden said that an opinion <br />from the Department of Administration would also be of value to the League. <br />PAGE 2 <br />
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