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01/27/1997 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
01/27/1997 Council Minutes
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COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 27, 1997 <br />Mr. Ahrens explained that Mr. Hokanson had petitioned the City in June of 1996 to prepare the <br />feasibility report for Phase 2 of the development. The City Engineer has prepared the report and <br />it is now complete. The action requested of the City Council this evening is to receive the <br />feasibility report and waiver of a public hearing. Mr. Ahrens stated he was not aware of an <br />ordinance restricting the forward motion of the development. He explained phasing was utilized <br />to define the limits of the project. Phase 1 contains 28 lots on one side of the property. Phase 2 <br />will contain 44 lots on another area of the property. <br />Council Member Neal stated he remembered something in previous discussions in regard to the <br />phasing of this development. <br />Ms. Wyland stated she did not believe there was any phasing required in this development. <br />Ms. Walseth stated that the neighbors have been told over and over that this will be a gradual <br />development which is done phase by phase. She stated she is disappointed and hopes the <br />Council will consider that none of the lots of Phase 1 have even been sold. Ms. Walseth also <br />noted concerns about the two (2) model homes in Phase I. There are supposed to be four (4) lots <br />spaced evenly along her east border. It appears that five (5) homes will be constructed in this <br />same area. She asked if something had been changed? Is denser housing being allowed. Ms. <br />Walseth also noted the fence which had been installed at the edge of the property was falling <br />over. She wanted it noted in the records that the entire 460 feet of fence will fall over this spring. <br />Mr. Schumacher noted these were questions staff would need to research and answer and <br />suggested Ms. Walseth contact Ms. Wyland tomorrow to obtain more accurate answers to her <br />questions. <br />Council Member Kuether arrived at the meeting at 6:45 P.M. <br />Caroline Dahl, 1101 Holly Court, stated she had been under the impression that a developers <br />agreement would have to be signed and a fence agreement put in place before Phase 2 was <br />allowed to proceed. She noted there was nothing on the agenda about a developers agreement <br />only a waiver of public hearing and consideration of the resolution. <br />Mr. Ahrens noted the developers agreement had been discussed in great detail this past spring <br />and summer. The fence is required to be installed prior to the homes being occupied by the new <br />property owner. <br />Mr. Hawkins stated he believed that was included in the written agreement as there was <br />extensive negotiation regarding this development. <br />Ms. Dahl stated she remembered that Mr. Hokanson was required to pay some type of fee. <br />Mr. Ahrens noted Mr. Hokanson is paying an assessment on each lot for the installation of the <br />street, watermain and utilities. <br />PAGE 2 <br />
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