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COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1997 <br />CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 97-17, ALLOCATING 1997-1998 COMMUNITY Ai <br />DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT, PAULA SCHOLER <br />Ms. Scholer noted the City Council held a public hearing on January 13, 1997, to allow citizens <br />and agencies the opportunity to request CDBG dollars. All projects so funded must benefit <br />primarily low-income persons and all requirements of the grant, including insurance <br />requirements, must be met by the sub -grantees of the City of Lino Lakes. Anoka County has <br />informed the City of Lino Lakes that there is an estimated $35,770.00 available for 1997-1998 <br />activities. Ms. Scholer stated staff recommends allocating funding per the City Administrator's <br />recommendation and adoption of Resolution No. 97 - 17. <br />Council Member Neal suggested increasing funding to ACCAP and Forest Lake Youth Service <br />Bureau by $500 each and to reduce the requests from Community Emergency Assistance <br />Program and ARC of Anoka and Ramsey Counties by $500 each. He noted that the two <br />organizations which help Lino Lakes residents the most are ACCAP and the Forest Lake Youth <br />Service Bureau. <br />Council Member Lyden inquired regarding whether there is a minimum funding amount to <br />consider due to administrative procedures. <br />Mr. Schumacher explained the amount of administration involved with each new applicant is <br />considerable and is the reason staff supports $1,000 as a reasonable threshold. This level of <br />funding is also recommended by Anoka County. <br />Ms. Schloer explained Anoka County recommends the minimum amount of $5,000 between all <br />cities and staff is recommending $1,000 as the Lino Lakes' minimum level of funding. <br />Council Member Neal revised his suggestion to not fund Community Emergency Assistance <br />Program, Inc. or ARC of Anoka and Ramsey Counties and increase funding to ACCAP and <br />Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau by $1,000 each. <br />Council Member Lyden expressed reservation about totally cutting funding to two organizations <br />and providing more funding than requested to two other organizations. He indicated support for <br />the City Administrator's recommendation. <br />Council Member Bergeson noted the total has been reduced by $5,000 so it is reasonable to <br />assume some will not receive the full amount requested. <br />Council Member Neal stated he will reconsider. <br />Council Member Lyden moved to adopt Resolution No. 97 - 17. Council Member Neal <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Resolution No. 97-17 can be found at the end of these minutes. <br />PAGE 2 <br />• <br />