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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION FEBRUARY 3, 1999 <br />COUNTY ROAD 14 ACCESS STUDY - COUNTY PRESENTATION, JOHN <br />POWELL/STEPHANIE EILERS/DAVE MONTEBELLO <br />Representatives from the County were present to review the TH 242/CSAH 14 Access <br />Management Study and recommendations. The County will be preparing a final report in <br />April/May and would like input from City staff. The County will be asking the City to <br />adopt the final report as a transportation plan. <br />Council directed John and Brian to look into options in response to the County's study <br />and recommendations. <br />ATHLETIC COMPLEX/YMCA UPDATE, BRIAN WESSEL/JERRY SHANNON <br />Brian reviewed the history of the Village and Town Center. He distributed two (2) <br />handouts relating to the Village development. The first handoutrdicated-the land costs <br />from March, 1998. The second handout showed the updated I. <br />development and noted the changes that make the land more'v <br />proposed hotel wants to use the YMCA in a compatible way <br />even more important. <br />gists of the Village <br />er He stated the <br />chi rakes the project <br />Mary Alice stated the YMCA has proposed tha C +nd their contribution in <br />addition to the City's $1.5 million contributi n. e YMCA indicated they will pay back <br />their share of the bond. The benefits of the City bonding their share include the project <br />getting done faster, obtaining bonding at o er rate and getting a better building for the <br />same money. The proposal would still i A de partnerships. The option would give Lino <br />Lake's residents a better discount far e • "hips at the YMCA. <br />Jerry Shannon stated the prim <br />guarantee payment of <br />or joint bonding could be beneficial if the YMCA will <br />The City needs to address the risk being taken. <br />Council asked Jerry to pre are a chart of the City's existing debt 5-10 years into the <br />future. <br />Council directed Vim' ` to develop a plan/schedule for making the project happen cost <br />effectively. Staff into bring back options at the next work session after the meeting with <br />the YMCA. <br />AUTOMATIC METER READING SYSTEM, RICK DEGARDNER <br />Rick stated staff has been working on a phone read/meter replacement system and a sump <br />pump inspection proposal. Rick distributed copies of the meter replacement system, <br />sump pump inspection proposal, a sample letter that would be sent to residents, and <br />information on the phone read meter system. <br />Tim Hillesheim, Public Works Department, reviewed the phone read/meter replacement <br />system. He indicated there are many water meters in the City that need to be replaced <br />2 <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />