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COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 12, 1999 <br />DISBURSEMENTS: <br />April Manuals <br />($548.70) <br />Approved <br />April 12, 1999 <br />(Check No. 55643 - 55772, $284,839.08) Approved <br />Mayor Sullivan reminded those present of the guidelines for audience participation in City <br />Council meetings, emphasizing the need for respectful dialog. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />Mayor Sullivan's State of the City - Mayor Sullivan presented the State of the City address. <br />Mayor Sullivan's State of the City can be found at the end of these mini' <br />Tree City Award, Marty Asleson - Mr. Asleson stated the City of Lino Lakes has been <br />presented the Tree City Award for the eleventh year in a, row. The aards given to cities that <br />show efforts towards urban forestry conservation thatncludes tree preservation, an Arbor Day <br />celebration, and Earth Day celebration. <br />Lino Lakes Pharmacy - Council Member Neal stated a pharmacy will be opened in the <br />Fairview Clinic which includes the opportunity to purchase eye glasses. The pharmacy will be <br />opened by early May or June ' 99' he CLnic is also adding another doctor. <br />Mr. Fritz Johnson, Pr lino Lakes Chamber of Commerce, came forward and stated <br />the organization has ju fo f ed. He read the mission statement of the organization and <br />stated their oboes are" . work with businesses in Lino Lakes, conduct YMCA fund raising, <br />and work to assist sting of new businesses in the community. He stated the <br />organization is infill support of the proposed Comprehensive Plan and will work in an effort to <br />get the Plan app ed. <br />Mayor Sullivan thanked Mr. Johnson for establishing the organization. She stated she <br />appreciates all their efforts to support the City. <br />PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT REPORT, RICK DEGARDNER <br />Consideration of Resolution No. 99 -15, Accepting Donation from Circle -Lex Lions for a <br />Party Wagon - Mr. DeGardner stated the Circle -Lex Lions Club has agreed to purchase a <br />community party wagon and furnish a variety of equipment. This contribution amounts to <br />$10,945. <br />The Lino Lakes Parks and Recreation Department is currently preparing a procedures and policy <br />manual for the party wagon. These procedures will be strictly adhered to. <br />2 <br />