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COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 22, 2001 <br />Application for Minnesota Gambling <br />Exempt Permit LG240B to Conduct <br />Bingo at Centennial Middle School <br />Approved <br />OPEN MIKE <br />Swear in Newly Appointed Planning & Zoning Board Member — The City Attorney swore in <br />newly appointed Planning and Zoning Board member, Chris Lyden. <br />Mr. Lyden thanked the Council for his appointment and stated it is an honor and a privilege to serve <br />the people of Lino Lakes. <br />Fire Chief Milo Bennett to Present Donation to the City of Lino Lakes — This item was delayed <br />until later in the meeting. <br />No one else was present for open mike. <br />FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT, AL ROLEK <br />Resolution No. 2001— 07, Authorizing Economic Feasibil <br />City Council has undertaken several steps toward the de <br />these is the preparation of a concept plan, the acq <br />including the YMCA, and the application for a Li <br />olek — Staff advised the <br />e Town Center area. Among <br />rty, discussions with developers, <br />unities grant. <br />The Metropolitan Council has awarde. _ W e ity that is considerably less that the City had <br />requested. This, among other fact �rir x• the need to review the financial impacts and explore <br />alternatives for the developm"own enter area. This review would take the form of an <br />Economic Development Fe <br />Staff has prepared an .`'y ,M • e scope of the study and has obtained quotes from Springsted, Inc. <br />and Ehlers and Associa e quotes range from $7,500 to $12,500 for both consultants. If <br />undertaken, the study wi be completed by April 1, 2001. The study is intended to be financed <br />through the remainder of the Livable Communities planning grant. If for some reason the <br />Metropolitan Council will not authorize the expenditure of grant proceeds for this purpose, the study <br />would be funded from the 2001 Economic Development departmental budget. <br />Because of their experience in the Town Center area through previous studies and their familiarity of <br />the background of this area, staff is recommending the study be prepared by Springsted, Inc. <br />Resolution No. 2001- 07 authorizes the preparation of the study and appoints Springsted as the <br />consultant for the study. <br />Council Member Carlson requested the options for the Schwan property include the Schwan's <br />remaining on the property. She also asked if the Factors to Consider include interfund loans being <br />repaid. Staff advised the Factors to Consider do include interfund loans being repaid. <br />