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01/27/2003 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
01/27/2003 Council Minutes
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COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 27, 2003 <br />APPROVED <br />1 Mayor Bergeson welcomed Senator Mady Reiter to the meeting and indicated she will be providing a <br />• 2 legislative update. <br />3 <br />4 Senator Reiter introduced herself stated she is proud to represent a portion of Lino Lakes. She also <br />5 represents Circle Pines, Lexington and Shoreview. She stated she has been assigned to the <br />6 Transportation Committee, the Commerce Committee, which has recently been combined to include <br />7 cable communication and most of the utilities, and to State Government Budgets. <br />8 <br />9 Senator Reiter indicated she was here to talk briefly about the four and one-half billion dollar deficit <br />10 in the spending budget. She stated that the economy right now is going okay in Minnesota, but has <br />11 not come all the way back since the September 11, 2001 tragedy. <br />12 <br />13 Senator Reiter indicated the State loss in capital gains has been nine million dollars, and combined <br />14 with the health care costs has hurt the State budget. She added that Northwest Airlines revenues have <br />15 had a part in the deficit also, with fewer people traveling. <br />16 <br />17 Senator Reiter stated one thing being looked at is a two-year freeze on salary increases on all levels of <br />18 government. She indicated anyone who campaigned extensively during the previous election <br />19 received a clear message that tax increases would not be tolerated. In light of this, a freeze is <br />20 necessary on all levels of government from State through cities, school districts, watershed districts, <br />21 etc. She indicated there are 25,000 employees at the University of Minnesota, and while they cannot <br />22 tell the University specifically they cannot increase salaries, they can take away $10 million in aid, <br />23 which would force them to make that decision themselves. She stated there were 129,000 employees <br />• <br />24 in school districts and 40,500 in county positions. She indicated she didn't have the exact number of <br />25 city employees. She added that every police officer, fire department employee, anyone due to receive <br />26 an increase is not going to get it. She stated that with this freeze the senators are supposed to receive <br />27 a 12 percent raise, which obviously they won't do. <br />28 <br />29 Senator Reiter indicated there are a few areas they've been told are off limits, including K-12 <br />30 education. She indicated a task force has been formed to look at the allocation of funds per district, <br />31 and they have to get a handle on it. She stated currently Minneapolis receives $16,000 per student, <br />32 and St. Paul receives $11,000 per student, whereas Lino Lakes and other areas receive only $6700 or <br />33 $6800 per student. She indicated they need to look at the pieces that drive how that amount is <br />34 determined, and property taxes will be looked at also. She added Homeland Defense is also off <br />35 limits. She stated Lino Lakes is very frugal. They receive only $157,000 in state aid. Senator Reiter <br />36 stated that while she is not a proponent of holding back salaries, the taxpayers will hold government <br />37 in line and she is here to ask for support from the City. <br />38 <br />39 City Administrator Waite Smith asked if multi-year union contracts would be hampered by this action <br />40 as well. Senator Reiter stated her assumption would be that anything in progress would go forward. <br />41 She indicated the State has not approved the freeze yet. <br />42 <br />43 City Administrator Waite Smith indicated there were three items on the agenda to approve this <br />44 evening, including a union contract that is a year old already. She asked if they should continue with <br />45 those items or if they should be tabled until further information comes out. Senator Reiter indicated <br />46 she would defer to the City Attorney to make that decision, as it could take the entire session to <br />• <br />47 decide to move forward. <br />48 <br />2 <br />
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