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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION APRIL 23, 2003 <br />APPROVED <br />Mr. Wagner noted there would be residents at the Council meeting on Monday to address <br />the banner ordinance. He indicated he would also have a representative present. <br />Acting Mayor Reinert advised the banner ordinance needs to be discussed at a future <br />Council work session. <br />STATE BUILDING CODE ADOPTION, MICHAEL GROCHALA, MILO <br />BENNETT <br />Community Development Director Grochala advised the first reading of the ordinance <br />adopting the State Building Code was held at the last Council meeting. There are some <br />chapters of the code that are optional. <br />Mayor Bergeson arrived at the meeting at 5:53 p.m. <br />Community Development Director Grochala advised the chapters that are optional <br />include Chapter 1306, Special Fire Protection Systems and Chapter 1335, Floodproofing <br />Regulations. He reviewed the contents of both chapters noting Centennial Fire District <br />would prefer option e(1) that requires sprinkling of multiple unit residential structures, <br />including townhomes, if they are either three or more stories in height or the gross floor <br />area (including garage and basement) exceeds 8,500 square feet. City staff is in <br />agreement with Centennial Fire District on this issue. <br />Staff is also recommending adoption of Chapter 1335, relating to Floodproofing <br />Regulations. <br />Fire Chief Bennett advised existing townhomes would not be subject to the new code <br />unless they are being rebuilt. <br />This item will appear on the regular Council agenda Monday, April 28, 2003, 6:30 p.m. <br />SITE PLAN AND MARKET STUDY FOR I -35E CORRIDOR, MARCY ALICE <br />DIVINE, MICHAEL GROCHALA <br />Economic Development Assistant Divine advised in 2002 Anoka County prepared a <br />report called "Working Together to Shape the Future of Anoka County," which endorsed <br />a collaborative effort with cities to create more quality jobs, expand the tax base, and <br />improve housing and transportation within the county. As a result of that report, the <br />county has been promoting Anoka County's assets to the development community. That <br />effort has included discussions with the Vikings regarding Anoka County as a potential <br />site for a new stadium, along with the Vikings headquarters and summer training camp. <br />As a part of this effort, Anoka County hired KKE Architects to complete a concept plan <br />that included a stadium as just one component of a master planned development. The <br />plan also incorporates commercial, industrial, corporate uses and housing. The county <br />asked cities to identify areas of significant size that have the potential to accommodate <br />this type of development. Four sites were considered good potential opportunities; one in <br />Blaine, one in Columbus Township and two in Lino Lakes on the I -35E corridor. <br />2 <br />