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06/09/2003 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
06/09/2003 Council Minutes
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COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 9, 2003 <br />APPROVED <br />49 Mr. Viker explained that the Council received the audit report last week, as well as compliance and <br />• 50 control letters. He advised that during the work session they reviewed the report in detail, so today he <br />51 will just highlight a few things. He explained that his company is hired to audit the City, who <br />52 received an unqualified (clean) opinion. He stated the City had a good year, noting the fund balance <br />53 history for the past 10 or 11 years. He indicated the General Fund balance did especially well, which <br />54 they would expect in a growing city such as Lino Lakes. He stated that expenditures have also <br />55 grown, and in their review they like to see a half-year reserve in the General Fund balance. <br />56 <br />57 Mr. Viker stated that Lino Lakes had a nice increase, which is good to see. He indicated many cities <br />58 have been hit hard with the State reductions, but Lino Lakes has positioned themselves with their <br />59 fund balances to cushion the impact before it becomes a problem, giving them time to get <br />60 expenditures and revenue in line. He stated if the City needs to complete any transfers to any fund, <br />61 they should do so right away so they do not overstate the General Fund balance. He indicated he has <br />62 not seen any deterioration, and would recommend the City continue as they have been. He advised <br />63 there are a number of internal control reports, noting the City had no reportable conditions or material <br />64 weaknesses; however his company has not been hired to audit for that. He indicated if in the course <br />65 of their audit they were to find a reportable condition or material weakness they would report it, but <br />66 they are not specifically auditing for them. <br />67 <br />68 Mr. Viker advised there was one minor finding dealing with bid law compliance. He stated it is not <br />69 their opinion that the City is not going through the proper process, but they need more documentation <br />70 to support that the process is complete. He indicated the City is taking action to maintain that <br />71 documentation. He stated they will need this year to implement new accounting and auditing <br />72 practices to comply with Gasby 34, and he will work with City Staff to make the changes, but he <br />• 73 noted this will place demands on the Finance Department. He indicated he met with Al Rolek last <br />74 year for preliminary discussions on this change and will be meeting with him again. <br />75 <br />76 Councilmember Carlson moved to accept the audit report as presented. Councilmember Dahl <br />77 seconded the motion. <br />78 <br />79 Motion carried unanimously. Councilmembers O'Donnell and Reinert were absent. <br />80 <br />81 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT REPORT, DAN TESCH <br />82 <br />83 A. SuperTarget Fireworks Permit Application, Ann Blair <br />84 <br />85 (Councilmembers O'Donnell and Reinert arrived at 7:55 p.m.) <br />86 <br />87 City Clerk Blair summarized the staff report, indicating it is staff's recommendation to approve the <br />88 application. <br />89 <br />90 Councilmember Carlson noted the staff report says the permit fee will be $100, with an insurance <br />91 requirement of $300,000. She asked how they will determine the fee amount for other companies, <br />92 and if there would be a new scale. <br />93 <br />94 City Clerk Blair stated that under the new law, this is the amount they are allowed to charge. She <br />95 indicated the amount is dependent on whether it is an individual or corporation. <br />• 96 <br />2 <br />
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