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05/05/2004 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
05/05/2004 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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• <br />• <br />CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MAY 5, 2004 <br />APPROVED <br />1 City Engineer Studenski stated the City Environmentalist has reviewed the area and <br />2 found most of the trees affected by the improvements to be of minimal value. Public <br />3 Services Director DeGardner supports following the City's Park and Trail System Plan, <br />4 which shows the trail following Holly Drive. Rick doesn't support using the subdivision <br />5 streets as the route for the trail system. Public Services has also proposed additional <br />6 landscaping (tree replacement) and boulevard maintenance along the trail corridor. <br />7 <br />8 City Engineer Studenski distributed a packet of information that included a timeline for <br />9 the project and copies of all correspondence relating to the trail. He indicated it is staff's <br />10 recommendation to leave the trail system along Holly Drive and to continue to try to <br />11 minimize the tree loss from the improvements. It is staff's intent to bring the plans and <br />12 specifications to advertise for bids to the Council at the May 24, 2004 City Council <br />13 meeting. He noted most of the correspondence included in the packet indicated support <br />14 for the trail. <br />15 <br />16 Councilmember Carlson inquired about the grading issue and how many trees will be <br />17 saved. City Engineer Studenski stated the project would be matching in at the bottom of <br />18 the hills. The road elevation would be followed very closely. The property line along <br />19 Holly would be marked to indicate the limits of the construction area. The Tree <br />20 replacement plan will include planting additional trees through the homeowners. That <br />21 will be determined when the City knows how many trees will actually be lost. <br />22 <br />23 Mr. John Meyerhoffer, resident, indicated he is in favor of the trail. He presented forty <br />24 signatures showing support for the trail due to safety concerns. <br />25 <br />26 Ms. Sue Walseth, resident, presented another forty signatures showing support for the <br />27 trail. She stated it makes sense to construct a trail and there is a safety issue. <br />28 <br />29 Mr. Scott Moses, resident, stated he is also in favor of the trail and presented references <br />30 in regard to recommendations where trails should be constructed. <br />31 <br />32 Mr. Joe Kuehl, resident, stated he is in favor of the trail because there is a safety issue. <br />33 He stated it would be beneficial to separate pedestrians and cars. <br />34 <br />35 Mr. Art Mills, resident, stated he is in favor of the trail. The City would save money <br />36 because the Police Department won't have to come to his house as often due to his wife <br />37" walking the dogs. <br />38 <br />39 Ms. Mary Harmon, resident, stated she is in favor of the trail due to safety issue. She <br />40 suggested speed bumps also be used on the roadway. <br />41 <br />42 Mr. Rick Johnson, resident, stated he is also in favor of the trail due to safety issue. <br />43 Mr. Steve Arndofer, resident, stated he is in favor of the trail also. He indicated he is <br />44 confused as to why the project is staring in the middle as opposed to either end. He <br />45 indicated that being aware of the start dates for the other phases would allow residents a <br />46 head start on the additional plantings. <br />47 <br />48 This item will appear on the regular Council agenda Monday, May 24, 2004, 6:30 p.m. <br />
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