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COUNCIL FINANCIAL RETREAT AUGUST 9, 2006 <br />APPROVED <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />MINUTES <br />DATE : August 9, 2006 <br />TIME STARTED : 6:04 p.m. <br />TIME ENDED : 9:03 p.m. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT : Council Members Carlson, O'Donnell, <br />Reinert (6:04), Stoltz (6:43) and Mayor <br />Bergeson <br />MEMBERS ABSENT : None <br />Staff members present: City Administrator, Gordon Heitke; Finance Director, Al Rolek; <br />Community Development Director, Mike Grochala; and Terri Heaton, Springsted <br />City Administrator Heitke stated the Council should determine if any of the staff <br />recommendations for the long-term issues would be included in the 2007 budget process. <br />Staff also needs to continue work on the Five Year Plan and some of the financial issues <br />would be included in the completion of that plan. Staff is requesting direction regarding <br />several of the City's funds. <br />Finance Director Rolek reviewed the status of the General Fund and indicated finance <br />strategies are important for this fund. This is the fund that is most focused upon during <br />the budget cycle; it is the fund that the City is most aware of and that has the most direct <br />tax impact. Staff recommendation is to monitor the General Fund for possible <br />weaknesses in the future and to employ the consultant's recommendations as needed to <br />curtail any unfavorable affects. <br />The Council indicated they are comfortable with the staff recommendation and directed <br />staff to set up reserves within the General Fund for possible future liabilities. It was <br />noted that setting up reserves will not affect the overall budget and will possibly improve <br />the City's rating. <br />The Council also directed staff to inquire about a time frame when ice time is sold for the <br />Super Rink. Staff will also bring back recommended policies regarding borrowing from <br />other funds and repayment of those loans. <br />Finance Director Rolek referred to the Facilities Replacement and Maintenance Fund <br />noting the major source flowing into this fund is from the antenna lease revenues - about <br />$105,000 — 110,000 per year. Staff recommends these funds be dedicated to the <br />maintenance and repair and the eventual replacement of City building facilities. This <br />amount can be supplemented with tax revenues in future years. <br />The Council concurred with the staff recommendation regarding the Facilities <br />Replacement and Maintenance Fund. <br />• <br />