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04/07/2008 Council Minutes (3)
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/07/2008 Council Minutes (3)
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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• <br />CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION APRIL 7, 2008 <br />APPROVED <br />46 Ms. Weiner suggested that council members refer calls or inquires about the process or <br />47 valuations to her so she can attempt to answer questions prior to the hearing. Her phone <br />48 number is 763-323-5480. She's received about 100 calls this year, less that the previous <br />49 year. <br />50 <br />51 2. 2008 ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD GOALS — Marty Asleson, Environmental <br />52 Coordinator for the City, introduced Environmental Board Chair, Mary Jo O'Dea who <br />53 reviewed the goals for 2008. Ms. O'Dea noted that many are on-going goals. <br />54 <br />55 Mr. Asleson noted the Rice Creek Watershed District's patented Blue Thumb Program. It <br />56 is an environmental education program. The city is required to participate but its benefits <br />57 will be many fold. It is a good program that will help the city meet its own environmental <br />58 goals as well as MPDS requirements for education. <br />59 <br />60 In response to a question about coordination with the water conservation plan the city is <br />61 developing with the Department of Natural Resources, Mr. Asleson noted that the Blue <br />62 Thumb program is a part of improvement in that area; water discussion and looking at <br />63 individual projects for water impact is always a part of the Environmental Board's work. <br />64 There is expertise on the Board that will be helpful in that area. The city's consulting <br />65 engineer did address the Board on the issue and received input and suggestions. <br />66 <br />67 The Board's recognition that they should be involved in the comp plan development as <br />68 well as conservation development activities is important. The council will consider <br />69 adoption of the goals at the next regular council meeting. <br />70 <br />71 3. UTILITY RATE STUDY — Al Rolek, Finance Director, introduced Patty <br />72 Kettles, Springsted, Inc. She is reporting back on the utility rate study after receiving <br />73 council comments in October 2007. There were questions raised by the council and <br />74 Springsted has worked to address them. Staff also asked about strategies to cut back on <br />75 discretionary usage, with the consideration that there are users that don't have discretion <br />76 (e.g. industrial use). <br />77 <br />78 Ms. Kettles reviewed the written reports. The original report called for one block rate for <br />79 all users (residential, commercial, industrial, etc.) but that met with concern from both the <br />80 council and staff so it has been reworked. In response to questions, she explained that she <br />81 located only one city over 40,000 that does not have a water treatment facility; and there <br />82 were no cities found to be imposing rates on a per capital basis. <br />83 <br />84 Ms. Kettles presented and reviewed tables showing proposed blocks and rates for <br />85 residential and non-residential domestic/processed and irrigation water consumption. <br />86 Further presented was an estimated revenue amount and tables summarizing projected <br />87 changes in consumption patterns and the net effect on revenues as well as the projected <br />88 impact on various customer types. <br />89 <br />
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