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04/28/2008 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
04/28/2008 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION April 28, 2008 <br />APPROVED <br />• 47 <br />48 Attorney Baumgartner advised that there is liability in all situations and the best you can do is <br />49 limit your exposure. He has reviewed the correspondence from 2007 and it is clear that the Fire <br />50 Marshall informed Mr. Wagner that the situation would have to be dealt with legally in 2008. <br />51 There are certain ways to minimize risk (hold harmless agreement, insurance inclusion, etc). <br />52 <br />53 Administrator Heitke noted that the city has in the past required proof of insurance in the outdoor <br />54 area from Mr. Wagner as well as having him sign a hold -harmless agreement. <br />55 <br />56 In response to a question of "what if' the council were to grant a variance for one more year, <br />57 Attorney Baumgartner explained that the fire marshal's approval of last year was some type of a <br />58 clear professional okay. If the council were to look at approving this year, he'd advise some <br />59 clear findings that the city didn't receive the fire marshal's letter with the city insulating itself <br />60 that it did not have timely knowledge in the past of this fire marshal's report. <br />61 <br />62 Regarding the tent layout, Mr. Wagner (just joined the meeting) indicated that he will open the <br />63 north wall of the tent if necessary. <br />64 <br />65 The Mayor suggested that the liability insurance should include additional umbrella coverage. <br />66 <br />67 A council member suggested that the north side be left open to the same extent as the south side, <br />68 thereby enclosing the band but allowing some space for escape if necessary. <br />• 69 <br />70 Council Stoltz noted, for the record, that Mr. Wagner should not anticipate support for this <br />71 variance next year. Additionally, the Centennial Fire Department should be a part of event <br />72 planning as necessary. <br />73 <br />74 Looking at next year, Mr. Wagner asked what the council would foresee as a viable solution. <br />75 Long term he is looking at additional land but certain land will not be available for some time. <br />76 A smaller tent is not an option. <br />77 <br />78 A lease of land from a neighbor is a possibility but whatever is planned it must meet the fire <br />79 code. The land really needs to be cleared. <br />80 <br />81 Attorney Baumgartner noted that if the council decides to grant the variance, an appropriate <br />82 motion would be to "approve a variance from the 20 foot minimum setback requirement from the <br />83 north property line for the period of August 15-18, 2008 only, provided that there will be no <br />84 occupancy after August 16, 2008." <br />85 <br />86 Execution of a Grading Only Development Contract - Engineer Studenski noted that the <br />87 developer still has some concern about the driveway issue and the grading -only agreement <br />88 doesn't address that. Staff doesn't recommend any change at this time. <br />89 <br />90 The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. <br />91 <br />92 These minutes were considered, corrected and approved at the regular Council meeting held on <br />
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