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COUNCIL MINUTES April 28, 2008 <br />APPROVED <br />044 Resolution No. 08-37, Approving Change Order No. 12, Lake Drive / <br />45 35W Improvement Project Approved <br />46 <br />47 FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT, AL ROLEK <br />48 There was no report from the Finance Department. <br />49 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT REPORT, DAN TESCH <br />50 3A) Consider request of Chad Wagner, Miller's on Main, for variance from State Fire Code <br />51 for summer tent event - Administrator Heitke explained that the request is part of an application <br />52 for a special event permit for a music/dance event at Miller's on Main on August 15 and 16' 2008. <br />53 In order to proceed with consideration of that special event application, the city must first deal <br />54 with the variance request. The variance would be for a reduction from the setback requirement of <br />55 the state fire code for one side of the tent, from the 20 foot requirement to about 5 feet. The <br />56 council does have the authority to grant this variance in cases where certain factors exist <br />57 ((substantial compliance, public safety is considered, and undue hardship to applicant). He noted <br />58 correspondence from the state fire marshal in 2007 that granted the variance last year but for only <br />59 one year; this year the state is deferring the decision to the local authority (council). There is an <br />60 appeal process back to the state if denied at the local level. <br />61 <br />62 Council Member O'Donnell moved to approve a variance from the 20 foot minimum <br />•63 setback requirement from the north property line for the period of August 15-18, 2008 <br />64 only, provided there will be no occupancy after August 16, 2008 and further the <br />65 applicant should work with staff on an optimum configuration of the tent for safety. <br />66 Council Member Stoltz seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />67 <br />68 3B) Consider First Reading of Ordinance No. 08-08, Updating the 2008 Fee Schedule — City <br />69 Clerk Bartell explained that staff is recommending several changes to the city's current fee <br />70 schedule: <br />71 Addition of a no cost permit to allow unregulated lawn sprinkling for new <br />72 landscaping; <br />73 Addition of a permit fee of $50 for lawn sprinkler/irrigation systems; <br />74 Updating the city tax charged for charitable gambling activities in the city; <br />75 Increase the fee for city maps to cover the cost of purchasing the maps from Anoka <br />76 county <br />77 City fees must be changed by ordinance. Staff is recommending that the council approve first <br />78 reading of Ordinance No. 08-08 amending the 2008 City Fee Schedule as explained. <br />79 <br />80 Council Member Gallup moved to dispense with full reading of the ordinance. Council Member <br />81 O'Donnell seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. <br />82 <br />83 Council Member Stoltz moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 08-08 as presented. <br />Aft 84 Council Member O'Donnell seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Motion carried as <br />gur 85 follows: Yeas, 4; Nays, 0 (Absent — Reinert). <br />