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09/08/2008 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/08/2008 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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APPROVED <br />MINUTES <br />2 CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION <br />3 <br />4 DATE : September 2, 2008 <br />5 TIME STARTED : 5:35 p.m. <br />6 TIME ENDED : 9:55 p.m. <br />7 MEMBERS PRESENT : Council Members O'Donnell, Reinert, Gallup, <br />8 Stoltz and Mayor Bergeson <br />9 MEMBERS ABSENT : none <br />10 <br />11 <br />12 Staff members present: City Administrator, Gordon Heitke; Community Development Director, <br />13 Mike Grochala; Director of Public Safety, Dave Pecchia; Finance Director, Al Rolek; City Clerk, <br />14 Julie Bartell; Economic Development Coordinator, Mary Alice Divine <br />15 <br />16 1. Review of Charter Amendment Ballot Questions Administrator Heitke explained that <br />17 the council basically has two charter amendments on the table — the council's ordinance that has <br />18 received first reading and was referred to the Charter Commission, and the charter amendment <br />19 proposal that was submitted by a citizen petition. Based on previous council discussion, <br />20 Attorney Steve Bubul has drafted ballot questions for both of those amendments. <br />21 <br />22 Regarding the citizen petition, City Clerk Bartell explained that the process of determining <br />1023 sufficiency was completed. A memorandum was distributed that updated the council on the <br />24 petition certification process, one being that after the petition was certified, resident Michael <br />25 Trehus communicated two concerns: that one section of the petition is invalid because the <br />26 circulator page was signed before some of the dates on the petition(s) within that section. <br />27 Attorney Bubul has reviewed that question and determined that in fact the signatures within that <br />28 section of the petition should be found invalid. He feels the circulator could re-sign the affidavit <br />29 and resubmit those signatures but it isn't necessary since the valid signature count, minus those <br />30 invalid signatures totaling eight, would be within the number required. Mr. Trehus' second <br />31 question has to do with staple holes in the petition pages. <br />32 <br />33 Attorney Bubul indicated that with the information he has received on the staple question, it <br />34 would be difficult to determine that the petition is unacceptable for that reason. <br />35 <br />36 The council requested a written legal response to the issues raised by Mr. Trehus. <br />37 <br />38 The council discussed the two options for ballot language requested by the council and drafted <br />39 by the Attorney Steve Bubul. <br />40 <br />41 Attorney Bubul explained that the council has two mutually exclusive amendments. As far as <br />42 the possibility of putting two questions on the ballot, he finds that the statute does indicate that <br />43 when you are initially creating a charter, you can give choices; he thinks that means when you <br />44 are doing an amendment you can do the same thing. Because of their nature, it seems that if two <br />45 questions were put on the ballot, it would be necessary to give an option A or B — because they <br />46 are conflicting. What if you don't want to amend the charter at all - that could be another option <br />
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