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02-02-2015 Council Work Session Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
02-02-2015 Council Work Session Minutes
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3/11/2015 9:33:23 AM
Creation date
2/24/2015 11:53:22 AM
City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION February 2, 2015 <br />APPROVED <br />46 that could be purchased from the City of Woodbury. They have negotiated a price down <br />47 from what was asked. The city would receive one truck in April of 2015 and the other <br />48 would be stored by Woodbury to be received later. He noted that having a truck in April <br />49 would allow staff to train with the equipment they would be using. He noted that the <br />50 trucks would not come with certain equipment that is required and a list is provided in the <br />51 staff report. The total cost of purchasing two trucks and equipment is less than the <br />52 $300,000 anticipated to purchase one new unit. Having two trucks that are identical also <br />53 provides for consistency when the equipment is utilized. Director Swenson said that if <br />54 the council is comfortable with the purchase proposed, he will add the matter to the <br />55 council agenda for official action. Staff is comfortable that this twenty year-old <br />56 equipment has been well maintained and is a good purchase for the city. Deputy <br />57 Director D'Alliar assured the council that the trucks will fit well into the city's fleet. <br />58 Director Swenson added that the numbers presented do not include radio or SCBA <br />59 equipment but the city is seeking a FEMA grant that could possibly fund those purchases. <br />60 That led into discussion of Item 3. <br />61 <br />62 3. Fire Apparatus/Vehicle Capital Replacement Plan — Public Safety Director <br />63 Swenson explained that the staff report shows what the Centennial Fire District (CFD) <br />64 included in their capital plan as well as how the city proposes to plan for the same <br />65 equipment. The purchase of two trucks that was discussed as the previous item is <br />66 included. Mayor Reinert pointed out that the plan is a best estimate and will undoubtedly <br />67 change. Director Swenson added that it is a plan presented for discussion purposes only <br />68 but it is a piece of the puzzle that helps the council see a larger picture as it considers the <br />69 truck purchase. Mayor Reinert added that he can also see some benefit in joining the <br />70 two public safety departments — you don't need two of everything. <br />71 <br />72 Council Member Roeser pointed out a recent article in the League of Minnesota Cities <br />73 magazine regarding fire extinguisher training — Mayor Reinert said it's a good thing to <br />74 keep people involved. <br />75 <br />76 Council Member Kusterman said that the plan to purchase the two trucks sounds good <br />77 but he has some concern that the city would be retiring the trucks in ten years. Are there <br />78 any newer trucks available? Director Swenson explained that staff has looked at newer <br />79 vehicles but they are much more expensive; staff feels that the Woodbury vehicles are <br />80 solid with a very strong maintenance record. <br />81 <br />82 4. 2015 Anoka County Recycling and Recycling Enhancement Grant- Environmental <br />83 Coordinator Asleson explained that staff is asking the council for authorization to accept <br />84 the annual fund grant from Anoka County to support residential recycling efforts. In <br />85 addition, enhancement funds are available for program activities such as drop-off <br />86 recycling, park and event recycling, curbside and multi -unit recycling. These grant funds <br />87 have been received for this year and have allowed staff to bring on an intern and include <br />88 program enhancements such as advertising and organic recycling. <br />89 <br />
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