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06-01-2015 Council Work Session Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
06-01-2015 Council Work Session Minutes
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9/1/2015 11:55:57 AM
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6/25/2015 12:28:20 PM
City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION June 1, 2015 <br />APPROVED <br />45 Public Services Director DeGardner explained that currently staff is managing the efforts <br />46 by working as they are able. If and when there is a need to move faster, that could mean <br />47 outsourcing. <br />48 <br />49 2. Well No. 6 Pump House — Public Services Director DeGardner and Utility <br />50 Supervisor Hillesheim reported; Kurt Johnson of Stantec (consultant on the project) was <br />51 also present. Staff provided the council with drawings of the different views of the <br />52 proposed well house and noted that the staff report in the council packet contains pictures <br />53 of other well houses. Mr. Johnson explained that the drawings handed out are actually <br />54 design modifications based on council discussion. Modifications shown include: <br />55 - no windows (he noted that the facility will include a security system and the windows <br />56 originally presented are made of a very secure and tough material); <br />57 - a gabled look; <br />58 - windows included. <br />59 <br />60 It was noted that removal of the windows would result in a very modest cost reduction. <br />61 Mayor Reinert suggested that the reason for the windows is to help the structure blend <br />62 into the neighborhood. Council Member Stoesz asked if it's possible to have a well <br />63 house separate from the well and Mr. Hillesheim said it doesn't have to be on top of the <br />64 well but its purpose is to protect the wellhead (there are government requirements) and so <br />65 it makes sense. <br />66 <br />67 The council discussed the cost of building the pump house and Mr. Johnson provided <br />68 information on what is included in the cost, including that the cost of the building is about <br />69 50% and the mechanicals the remainder. Council Member Rafferty voiced some concern <br />70 about the $400,000 cost of the building and the indication that $200,000 of that is the <br />71 storage area. He also asked if the garage door could be brought down to a standard size; <br />72 Mr. Hillesheim explained that the larger door makes the storage more usable for large city <br />73 equipment. He also reminded the council that this would be a block structure that will <br />74 stand for 100 years. Mr. DeGardner remarked that the cost included in the staff report is <br />75 an estimate and the project will go out for bid; also he believes that including the storage <br />76 area is important and a good choice. Mr. Hillesheim explained how having storage in the <br />77 area will save trips and time for public service jobs. <br />78 <br />79 Mayor Reinert suggested that the council appears to be discussing options for the project. <br />80 One option is to have the authorization for bids on the next council agenda and allow that <br />81 process to bring clarity to the real cost and then the council could still discuss the project <br />82 elements. Council Member Roeser remarked that the council has scheduled a tour of city <br />83 assets and that will provide insight on city needs. Council Member Rafferty suggested <br />84 that the city should get bids when ready and use alternates if that is necessary; he also <br />85 thinks the tour will provide good information. Mr. DeGardner noted that there is <br />86 somewhat of a time constraint on moving ahead with the project as it relates to staying in <br />87 this year's construction season. <br />88 <br />
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