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2014-023 Council Resolution
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City Council Resolutions
2014-023 Council Resolution
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7/16/2015 10:26:54 AM
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CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />RESOLUTION NO. 14-23 <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING SPRINGSTED, INC PROPOSAL <br />TO CONDUCT A FIRE DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS <br />WHEREAS, the Lino Lakes City Council submitted a formal notice to the cities of Centerville <br />and Circle Pines of its intent to withdraw from the Centennial Fire District pursuant to Section <br />11.1 of the Joint Powers Agreement; and <br />WHEREAS, the Council wishes to hire a qualified outside agency to perform an analysis of the <br />City's current fire service operations and to develop a plan for delivering the same basic level of <br />fire services in Lino Lakes; and <br />WHEREAS, the analysis will include the following elements of the fire service: facility, <br />equipment, and capital needs to assess present needs and plan for the future; staffing and <br />structure to evaluate the baseline options for service delivery; and facilitation skills to effectively <br />engage City leaders and stakeholders in helping to shape the future of the fire service; and <br />WHEREAS, Springsted, Inc. submitted a proposal to conduct a fire department analysis that <br />would focus primarily on the following topics: (1) Overview of baseline fire service including <br />risk, demand, deployment, and response time; (2) Identify different options and models for <br />organizing a fire department; (3) Evaluate the addition of one new fire station with a preliminary <br />location on Birch Street; (4) Develop a list of essential needs required to begin a new fire <br />department; and (5) Identify pros and cons of combining the police and fire department; and <br />WHEREAS, the Council believes Springsted's proposal offers experienced professionals with <br />proficient skills to meet and exceed the Council's expectations for a thorough and complete <br />analysis to help the City implement a new fire department; and <br />WHEREAS, the total fee for a Phase I analysis of the fire service would not exceed $20,000. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Lino Lakes, <br />Minnesota hereby authorize Springsted, Inc. to conduct a Phase I fire department analysis at a <br />cost not to exceed $20,000. <br />Adopted by the Council of the City of Lino Lakes this 10th day of March 2014. <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Council Member <br />Kust ermahnd was duly seconded by Council Member Rouser <br />vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: <br />Kusterman, Rosser, Rafferty, Stoes , •ein:r <br />The following voted against same: <br />none <br />ATTEST: <br />e Bartell, City ler <br />and upon <br />Jeff Reine <br />yor <br />
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