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Reading: November 9, 2009 <br />2nd Reading: November 23, 2009 <br />Council Member Reinert <br />Publication: December 1 , 2009 <br />Effective: December 31, 2009 <br />moved for adoption of the following ordinance: <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />ORDINANCE NO. 13-09 <br />APPROVING THE SALE OF OUTLOT B, HIGHLAND <br />MEADOWS WEST 3RD ADDITION <br />SECTION 1: FINDINGS <br />The City Council makes the following findings: <br />1. In 2002, Outlot B of Highland Meadows West - 3rd Addition (PIN 08-31-22-13- <br />0139) was quit claim deeded by TSM Development, Inc. to the City with no <br />restrictions. <br />2. Mr. and Mrs. Judd (670 Arlo Lane) are interested in acquiring Outlot B, <br />Highland Meadows West 3rd Addition to provide the necessary setback for an <br />addition to their garage. <br />3. Selling Outlot B will have no effect on the functionality of Highland Meadows <br />Park. <br />4. The City Charter language regarding sale of property is as follows: Section <br />12.05. Sales of Real Property. No real property of the City shall be disposed <br />of except by ordinance. The proceeds of any sale of such property shall be <br />used as far as possible to retire any outstanding indebtedness incurred by the <br />City in the purchase, construction or improvement of this or other property <br />used for the same public purpose. If there is no such outstanding <br />indebtedness, the Council may by resolution designate some other public use <br />for the proceeds. <br />SECTION 2 <br />The City Council of the City of Lino Lakes, Anoka County, Minnesota does <br />ordain: <br />1. The City Council has approved the sale of Outlot B, Highland Meadows West <br />3rd Addition for $4,000 with the following conditions of approval: <br />• The property that is sold be combined with the existing Judd parcel. <br />• The City retains a drainage and utility easement covering the western 5 <br />feet of the newly combined property. <br />2. All related expenses will be the responsibility of the City. <br />John„Y Ber sod(, Mayor <br />