DISCHARGE. Adding, introducing, releasing, leaking, spilling, casting,
<br />throwing, emitting any pollutant, or placing any pollutant in a location where it is
<br />likely to pollute waters of the state in the city.
<br />EROSION. The process by which ground surface is worn away by action of
<br />wind, water, ice, or gravity.
<br />GROUNDWATER. Water contained below the surface of the earth in the
<br />saturated zone including, without limitation, all waters whether under confined,
<br />unconfined, or perched conditions, in near surface unconsolidated sediment or
<br />regolith, or rock formations deeper underground.
<br />MPCA. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
<br />conveyances (including sidewalks, roads with drainage systems, municipal
<br />streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm
<br />drains) owned and operated by the city and designed or used for collecting or
<br />conveying storm water, and which is not used for collecting or conveying
<br />sewage.
<br />NPDES. The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System; the program
<br />for issuing, modifying, revoking, reissuing, terminating, monitoring, and enforcing
<br />permits under the Clean Water Act (§§ 301, 318, 402 and 405) and 33 C.F.R. §§
<br />1317, 1328, 1342 and 1345 authorizing the discharge of pollutants to water of the
<br />United States.
<br />PERSON. Any individual, firm, corporation, partnership, franchise,
<br />association or governmental entity.
<br />POLLUTANT. Any substance which, when discharged has potential to or
<br />does: interfere with state designated water uses; obstruct or cause damage to
<br />waters of the state; change water color, odor, or usability as a drinking water
<br />source through causes not attributable to natural stream processes affecting
<br />surface water or subsurface processes affecting groundwater; add an unnatural
<br />surface film on the water; adversely change other chemical, biological, thermal,
<br />or physical conditions, in any surface water or stream channel; degrade the
<br />quality of ground water; or harm human life, aquatic life, or terrestrial plant and
<br />wildlife. POLLUTANT includes, but is not limited to, dredged soil, construction
<br />waste, solid waste, incinerator residue, garbage, wastewater, wastewater sludge,
<br />chemical waste, biological materials, radioactive materials, rock, sand, dust,
<br />industrial waste, sediment, nutrients, toxic substance, pesticide, herbicide, trace
<br />metal, automotive fluid, petroleum-based substance, and oxygen -demanding
<br />material.
<br />POLLUTE. To discharge pollutants into.waters of the state.
<br />