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SECTION 2. DISTRICT PROVISIONS <br />A. Table 1 of Section 3.1 (Allowable Uses) of the Lino Lakes Town Center Design & <br />Development Guide, attached to Ordinance 04-04 as Exhibit B, shall be amended to <br />include Hotel as a permissible use within Commercial Districts. This will appear in the <br />text as follows: <br />Allowable Land Use <br />Comm <br />ercial <br />Mixed Use <br />Civic <br />Commercial Uses <br />Hotel. <br />P <br />SECTION 3. <br />As above amended, said Zoning Ordinance shall stand as initially passed and previously <br />amended. <br />SECTION 4. <br />This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication according <br />to the Lino Lakes City Charter. <br />Passed by the Lino Lakes City Council this 24th day of October, 2005 <br />J. Bergeson, Mayor <br />