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No. 21-01 <br />Councilmember Reinert introduced the following Ordinance and moved its <br />adoption: <br />City of Lino Lakes <br />Ordinance No. 21-01 <br />NUISANCES <br />Health Risk Exposure at Clandestine Drug Lab Sites and Chemical <br />Dump Sites Declared to be a Nuisance <br />General Provisions <br />(a) Purpose and Intent. The purpose of this Ordinance is to reduce public <br />exposure to health risks where law enforcement officers have determined <br />that hazardous chemicals from a suspected clandestine drug lab site or <br />associated dump site may exist. The City Council finds that such sites <br />may contain suspected chemicals and residues that place people, <br />particularly children or adults of childbearing age, at risk when exposed <br />through inhabiting or visiting the site, now and in the future. <br />(b) Interpretation and Application. In their interpretation and application, the <br />provisions of this Ordinance shall be construed to protect the public <br />health, safety and welfare. <br />Where the conditions imposed by any provisions of this Ordinance are <br />either more or less restrictive than comparable provisions imposed by any <br />other law, ordinance, statute, or regulation of any kind, the regulations <br />which are more restrictive or which impose higher standards of <br />requirements shall prevail. <br />Should any court of competent jurisdiction declare any section or subpart <br />of this Ordinance to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity <br />of the Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof, other than the provision <br />declared invalid. <br />(c) Fees. Fees for the administration of this Ordinance may be established <br />and amended periodically by resolution of the City Council. <br />(d) Definitions. For the purposes of this Ordinance, the following terms or <br />words shall be interpreted as follows: <br />1. Child shall mean any person under 18 years of age. <br />