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Ordinance 13-99
City Council
City Council Ordinances
Ordinance 13-99
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Last modified
7/20/2015 11:13:51 AM
Creation date
7/20/2015 10:46:27 AM
City Council
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restaurants shall have facilities to serve meals at tables to the general public and have <br />....' seating capacity to serve a minimum of 50 guests at one time, and at least 50% of gross <br />revenue shall be from the serving of food and non-alcoholic beverages. The City may <br />require a statement signed by an independent certified public accountant attesting that the <br />establishment meets this revenue requirement. <br />701.03 Application for License <br />Subdivision 1. Forms. Every application for a license to sell liquor shall <br />state the full first, middle and last name, date of birth, representations as to the applicant's <br />character, with such references as the council may require, citizenship, the type of license <br />applied for, the business in connection with which the proposed license will operate and <br />its location, whether the applicant is the owner and operator of the business, how long the <br />applicant has been in business at that location and such other information as the council <br />may require from time to time. In addition to containing such information, the <br />application shall be on the form prescribed by the Commissioner of Public Safety and <br />shall be verified and filed with the clerk -treasurer. No person shall make a false <br />statement in an application. <br />Sale and consumption of intoxicating liquors on premises with an on -sale <br />license is limited to within the building at the address designated on the license unless the <br />license specifically grants permission for sale and consumption outside of the building. <br />Any area outside of the building where liquor will be served, such as a patio, garden, or <br />sidewalk area, must be described on the license, must be contiguous to the building, and <br />must be covered by liability insurance. Any such outdoor serving area shall require a <br />conditional use permit. <br />Subd. 2 and 3 remain unchanged <br />701.04 License Fees <br />Subdivision 1. Amounts. The annual fee for liquor licenses shall be as <br />stated in the fee schedule adopted by the City Council. <br />Subdivisions 2 - 4 remain unchanged <br />701.05 Granting of License <br />Subdivision 1. Preliminary Investigation. On an initial application for an <br />On -Sale License, and on application for transfer of an existing On -Sale License, the <br />applicant shall pay, with his application, an investigation fee as established by the City <br />Council. The city shall conduct a preliminary background and financial investigation of <br />the applicant. The application, in such case, shall be made on a form prescribed by the <br />Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and with such additional information as the council <br />may require. If the council deems it in the public interest to have an investigation made <br />page 2 of 6 <br />
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