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Council Member Neal introduced the following ordinance and <br />moved its adoption: <br />ORDINANCE NO. 16-98 <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LINO LAKES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: <br />Section 1. The property as shown on the attached drawing may be sold to each <br />adjacent property owner for a sum not to exceed $1.00. Based on the current owners, <br />the northern parcel may be sold to Lakeland National Bank, and the southern parcel to <br />Kathy Hansmann. <br />Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after 30 days <br />following its passage and publication, in accordance with the City Charter. <br />Adopted by the Lino Lakes City Council thi <br />Marilyn G'Anderson <br />Clerk -Treasurer <br />The motion for adoption of the foregoing Ordinance was duly seconded by Council <br />Member Dahl and upon vote being taken thereon, the following <br />voted in favor thereof: Bergeson, Dahl, Lyden, Neal, Sullivan. <br />The following voted against same: none. <br />Whereupon said Ordinance was declared passed and adopted. <br />CERTIFICATION <br />I hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of a resolution duly passed, adopted and <br />approved by the City Council on January 11, 1999. <br />ari n G. Anderson, Clerk -Treasurer <br />