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Council Member Lyden introduced the following resolution and moved its <br />adoption: <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />ORDINANCE NO. 10 - 9 7 <br />AN ORDINANCE PLACING A MORATORIUM ON THE ESTABLISHMENT, <br />EXPANSION, MODIFICATION OR REBUILDING OF ANY RADIO COMMON <br />CARRIER FACILITY WITHIN THE CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />The City Council of the City of Lino Lakes ordains that the Lino lakes City Code is <br />amended by adding a chapter to read as follows: <br />SECTION 1. <br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lino Lakes finds that proper planning <br />for the establishment, expansion, modification or rebuilding of any radio common carrier <br />facility within the City of Lino Lakes is necessary in order to protect the City's planning <br />process and the health, safety and welfare of the citizens; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lino Lakes as authorized by Minn. <br />Stat. Sec. 462.355, Subd. 4 is conducting studies to consider amendments to the City's <br />official controls, including the zoning code, which would affect the establishment, <br />expansion, modification or rebuilding of any radio common carrier facility within the <br />City of Lino Lakes; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lino Lakes finds that an interim <br />ordinance placing a moratorium on the establishment, expansion, modification or <br />rebuilding of any radio common carrier facility within zoning districts is necessary to <br />protect the planning process; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lino Lakes declares that an <br />emergency exists and that it is necessary in order to preserve the public peace, health and <br />welfare, pursuant to Section 3.06 of the Lino Lakes City Charter, that an emergency <br />interim ordinance placing a moratorium on the establishment, expansion, modification or <br />rebuilding of any radio common carrier facility within the City of Lino Lakes should go <br />into effect immediately upon the passage of this Ordinance, so the City can conclude its <br />studies and hearings relative to the amendment of the official controls regulating these <br />activities. <br />SECTION 2, Definitions <br />(a) For purposes of this section, Transmission and Reception Facilities shall mean <br />any antennas or towers having a fixed location and operated to furnish to the public <br />paging or mobile telecommunication service otherwise known as Radio Common Carrier <br />Facilities or "RCCF". <br />SECTION 3, Public Hearing and Study <br />