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Council Member Kuether introduced the following ordinance and moved for its <br />adoption: <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />County of Anoka <br />ORDINANCE NO. 21-97 <br />AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN AUTOMATED PAWN SYSTEM ORDINANCE <br />The City Council of the City of Lino Lakes, Anoka County, Minnesota does <br />ordain: <br />CHAPTER 614. PAWNBROKERS/PRECIOUS METAL DEALERS/SECONDHAND GOODS DEALERS <br />614.01. PURPOSE <br />The City Council finds that use of services provided by pawnbrokers provides <br />an opportunity for the commission of crimes and their concealment because <br />pawn businesses have the ability to receive and transfer property stolen by <br />others easily and quickly. The City Council also finds that consumer <br />protection regulation is warranted in transactions involving pawnbrokers. <br />The City Council further finds that the pawn industry has outgrown the city's <br />current ability to effectively or efficiently identify criminal activity <br />related to pawn shops. The purpose of this ordinance is to prevent pawn <br />businesses from being used as facilities for the commission of crimes and to <br />assure that such businesses comply with basic consumer protection standards, <br />thereby protecting the public health, safety, and general welfare of the <br />citizens of the city. <br />To help the Police Department better regulate current and future pawn <br />businesses, decrease and stabilize costs associated with the regulation of <br />the pawn industry, and increase identification of criminal activities in the <br />pawn industry through the timely collection and sharing of pawn transaction <br />information, this ordinance also implements and establishes the required use <br />of the Automated Pawn System (APS). <br />614.02. DEFINITIONS When used in this article, the following words <br />shall mean: <br />Issuing Authority. The City of Lino Lakes <br />Item Containing Precious Metal. An item made in whole or in part of <br />metal and containing more than one (1) percent by weight of silver, gold, or <br />platinum. <br />Minor. Any natural person under the age of 18 years. <br />Pawnbroker. Any natural person, partnership or corporation, either as <br />principal, or agent or employee thereof, who loans money on deposit or pledge <br />of personal property, or other valuable thing, or who deals in the purchasing <br />1 <br />