relationship, and any of the following: sexually -
<br />oriented acts or conduct: anilingus, buggery,
<br />coprophagy, coprophilia, cunnilingus, fellatio,
<br />necrophilia, pederasty, pedophilia, piquerism,
<br />sapphism, zooerasty; or
<br />(b) Clearly depicted human genitals in the state of
<br />sexual stimulation, arousal or tumescence; or
<br />(c) Use of human or animal ejaculation, sodomy, oral
<br />copulation, coitus, or masturbation; or
<br />(d) Fondling or touching of nude human genitals, pubic
<br />region, buttocks, or female breast; or
<br />(e) Situations involving a person or persons, any of
<br />whom are nude, clad in undergarments or in sexually
<br />revealing costumes, and who are engaged in
<br />activities involving the flagellation, torture,
<br />fettering, binding or other physical restraint of
<br />any such persons; or
<br />(f) Erotic or lewd touching, fondling or other
<br />sexually -oriented contact with an animal by a human
<br />being; or
<br />(g) Human excretion, urination, menstruation, vaginal
<br />or anal irrigation.
<br />(B) ADULT USE - ACCESSORY. The offering of retail goods for sale
<br />which are classified as adult uses on a limited scale and
<br />which are incidental to the primary activity and goods and/or
<br />services offered by the establishment. Examples of such items
<br />include the sale of adult magazines, the sale and/or rental of
<br />adult motion pictures, the sale of adult novelties, and the
<br />like.
<br />(C) ADULT USES - PRINCIPAL: The offering of goods and/or services
<br />which are classified as adult uses as a primary or sole
<br />activity of a business or establishment and include but are
<br />not limited to the following:
<br />(1) Adult Use - Body Painting Studio. An establishment or
<br />business which provides the service of applying paint or
<br />other substance, whether transparent or non -transparent,
<br />to or on the body of a patron when such body is wholly or
<br />partially nude in terms of "specified anatomical areas".
<br />(2) Adult Use Bookstore. A building or portion of a
<br />,,,uses es :• for the barter, rental or sale of items
<br />consisting -of printed matter, pictures, slides, records,
<br />audio tape, videotape, compact discs, computer software,
<br />2
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