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• <br />• <br />• <br />PAGE 4 <br />ORDINANCE NO. 03 - 90 <br />than ten (10) degrees, they shall be connected <br />by a curve with a radius adequate to ensure a <br />sight distance of not less than 500 feet for <br />arterials, 300 feet for collectors, and 100 <br />feet for all other streets. The Council may <br />allow greater or lesser sight distances at the <br />recommendation of the City Engineer. <br />(4) Street Jogs. Street jogs with centerline <br />offsets of less than 125 feet shall be <br />avoided. <br />(5) <br />Access to Arterials. In the case where a <br />proposed plat is adjacent to an arterial <br />street, there shall be no direct vehicular or <br />pedestrian access from individual lots to <br />arterials unless unavoidable in the opinion of <br />the City Council. Where direct access is <br />deemed necessary, access shall include special <br />requirements for turn around space on the <br />lots, combination of driveways to the extent <br />possible, and any other requirements of the <br />authority having jurisdiction over the <br />roadway. As a general requirement, access to <br />arterials shall be at intervals of not less <br />than one-fourth mile and through existing and <br />established cross roads, where possible. <br />(6) Local Streets. Local Streets shall be laid <br />out so that their use by through traffic will <br />be discouraged. <br />(7) <br />Hardship to Owners of Adjoining Property. The <br />street arrangements shall not be such as to <br />cause hardship to owners of adjoining property <br />in platting their own land and providing <br />convenient access to it. <br />(8) Cul-de-sacs. Cul-de-sac use shall be held to <br />a minimum. Cul-de-sacs when used shall be <br />held to as short a distance as possible. The <br />maximum length of a cul-de-sac shall be 500 <br />feet, measured from the centerline of the <br />street of origin to the end of the right-of- <br />way. Islands in cul-de-sacs shall not be <br />allowed. <br />(9) <br />Half Streets. Half streets shall be <br />prohibited except where it will be practical <br />to require the dedication of the other half <br />when the adjoining property is subdivided, in <br />which case the dedication of a half street may <br />he permitted. <br />