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• <br />ORDINANCE NO. 07 - 90 <br />A. The death of the owner when there is no spouse who <br />is eligible for deferment. <br />B. The sale, transfer or subdivision of all or any <br />part of the property. <br />C. Loss of homestead status on the property. <br />D. Determination by the Council for any reason that <br />there would be no hardship to require immediate or <br />partial payment. <br />Subdivision 5. Notice of the special assessment <br />deferral shall be filed by the City Clerk with the Anoka <br />County Recorder as provided by law. Failure to record such <br />notice, however, shall not affect the validity of the special <br />assessments. <br />Subdivision 6. Any person, firm, entity or corporation <br />who shall provide false information in application for a <br />deferral under this provision or shall violate any term or <br />condition contained herein shall be guilty of a misdemeanor <br />as defined by state law. <br />SECTION II. EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />Subdivision 1. This ordinance shall be effective from <br />and after its passage and publication as provided by the Lino <br />Lakes City Charter <br />Passed this 29th day of May . 1990 by the Lino Lakes <br />City Council. <br />ATTEST: <br />'WVJ G��J <br />Harold L. Bisel, Mayor <br />Mar1'ilyil/G. Anderson, Clerk -Treasurer <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing ordinance was <br />duly seconded by Council Member Neal upon vote being <br />taken thereon, the following voted in favor: Bisel, Reinert, <br />Neal, Bohjanen <br />The following voted against the same: none, Council Member Kuether <br />was absent at the time of voting. <br />Whereupon the ordinance was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />PAGE 3 <br />