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• <br />.J <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />COUNTY OF ANOKA <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />ORDINANCE NO. /zJ ,g( <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LINO LAKES CITY CODE BY AMENDING PROPERTY <br />DEDICATION PROVISIONS OF THE SUBDIVISION OF LAND REGULATIONS CON- <br />TAINED THEREIN. <br />The City Council of the City of Lino Lakes ordains: <br />Section 1. Property Dedication. Section 1001.14 of The Lino <br />Lakes City Code is amended to read as follows: <br />Section 1001.14. Property Dedication. The developer shall <br />dedicate to the city a reasonable portion of the proposed <br />subdivision for public streets, roads, utility easements, <br />water facilities, storm water drainage and holding areas <br />or ponds and other similar utilities and improvements. In <br />addition, the developer shall dedicate to the city land for <br />public use as parks, playgrounds, trails or other open space. <br />The criterion to be used by the City in determining the park <br />needs is as follows: <br />• <br />• <br />1. Proposed development density and use. <br />2. Proximity of development to existing parks. <br />3. Open space within the development. <br />4. Future park needs per the comprehensive plan. <br />rc / ` (v rkC CIiV <br />For residential, commercial and industrial development • <br />the following land dedication shall apply: 10% of the total <br />land acreage in the development.i/The City may choose to ac- <br />cept an equivalent amount in cash from the applicant for part <br />or all of the portion required to be dedicated to such public <br />uses or purposes based on the fair market value of the land <br />at the time of final approval. This cash equivalent for all <br />residential development shall be $160.00 per dwelling unit <br />to be constructed within such proposed. development. For <br />commercial/industrial development, the cash equivalent shall <br />be ten (10%) per cent of the fair market land value of the <br />development. All cash payments so received shall be placed <br />in a special fund by the City to be used only for acquisition, <br />betterment or debt retirement related to parks, playgrounds, <br />trails and open spaces. This payment is due to the City <br />Clerk -Treasurer before any documents may be filed with the <br />County Recorder's Office. <br />