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• <br />• <br />• <br />DETAILS OF THE BONDS <br />The Bonds be dated as of the date of delivery and wil.1 bear interest payable an FebmarY 1 and <br />August 1 of each year. commencing February 1 2016. Interest will he computed on the basis of a <br />360 -day year of twelve 30 -day months. <br />The Bonds will mature February 1 in the years and amounts* as follows: <br />2017 S230.000 2020 8040.000 2023 5—f 5.000 2026 5770.000 2029 5235.000 <br />2018 835.000 2021 8245 000 2024 825 5 000 2027 8220 000 2030 8240 000 <br />2019 5235.000 2022 8250 000 0005 5265.000 2025 5225 000 2031 5245.000 <br />nit' C 7 tuerte; rile 7117112% a.1474.77% propos;.1is are opened ani pror al% 271:7=e or reduce the prinpai <br />mormr r;leB or the ame:w of any MX717-7S1 711 27-1U;17p:CSo 8.4-‘,000 17;24.1 erC717 the Cllnalint r.P1,1 <br />771,Viivirri0 0aggregale purcha;e pnce 11711 be :0 7'4.%:liji 171 714C .;aFt:c yre,ss :;;.,,eaa per <br />Si 000 of Bo ?•;I:zt r;:e orIginai propeseri Gro07Q1212 1.1iC 212fC71,2:1.21, bentV 7 cp:77d ;0 ;he <br />C2r) me icw 1::2;o and the prk-es at which. the :ecvrmes 77721.2711.1 0.5'7 C.: 1:2 7,72i7 12-i'C7.21777f,";71/!2,;/C <br />Proposals for the Bonds may contain a manuitv schedule providing for a combination of serial bonds and <br />term bonds_ All term bonds shall be subject to nruidatory sinking fund redemption at a price of par plus <br />accrued interest to the date of redemption scheduled to conform to the maturity schedule set forth above. <br />In order to desiEniate term bonds the proposal must specify Years of Term Maturities- in the spaces <br />provided on the proposal form <br />BOOK ENTRY SYS I EM <br />The Bonds will be issued by means of a book entry system with no physical distnbution of Bonds made <br />to the public. The Bonds will be issued in fully registered form and one Bond. represent= the aggregate <br />principal ainount of the Bonds maturing ui each year, will be registered in the name of Cede .k Co as <br />nominee of The Depository Trust Company (-DTC-). New York. New York. which will act as securities <br />depository of the Bonds Individual purchases of the Bonds may be made ui the principal amount of <br />85.000 or any multiple thereof of a single maturity through book entries made on the books and records of <br />DTC and its participants Principal and interest are pas -able by the registrar 10 DTC or its nommee <br />as <br />registered owner of the Bonds Transfer of pnncipal and interest payments to participants of DTC will be <br />the responsibility of DTC: transfer of principal and interest payments to beneficial owners by participants <br />will be the responsibility of such participants and other nomniees of beneficial owners. The purchaser, as <br />a condition of delivers- of the Bonds. will be required to deposit the Bonds with Dlr. <br />REGISTRAR <br />The City will name the registrar which shall he subject to applicable SEC regulations The City will pay <br />for the services of the registrar. <br />OPTIONAL REDEMPTION <br />The City limy elect on Febniary 1, 2023 and on any day thereafter. to prepay Bonds due on or after <br />February 1. 2024. Redemption may be m whole or in part and if in part at the option of the City and in <br />such manner as the City shall deternune If less than all Bonds of a nianinty are called for redemption, <br />the City will notify DTC of the particular amount of such maturity to be prepaid. DTC will determine by <br />lot the amount of each participant's interest ui such mammy to be redeemed and each participant will then <br />select by lot the beneficial ownerslup interests m such inaninty to be redeemed. All prepayments shall be <br />at a price of par plus accrued interest. <br />458637v1 JAE EN140-115 <br />A-3 <br />