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• <br />• <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />RESOLUTION NO. 03-140 <br />APPROVING AMENDMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO <br />CHANGE SPECIFIED LAND IN MAR DON ACRES FROM LOW DENSITY <br />UNSEWERED RESIDENTIAL TO LOW DENSITY SEWERED RESIDENTIAL, AND <br />TO OBTAIN ADDITIONAL MUSA RESERVE FOR THE AREA <br />WHEREAS, the Lino Lakes City Council makes the following findings: <br />1. The City of Lino Lakes approved a new comprehensive plan in August 2002 after approval <br />by the Metropolitan Council, according to MN Statutes 473.858 and 473.864. <br />2. The comprehensive plan includes a proposed land use map with distinct land use categories. <br />The Low Density Sewered Residential land use category is intended for residential <br />development that has public sanitary sewer service. The Low Density Unsewered <br />Residential category is intended for residential development without such service. <br />3. The comprehensive plan describes a specified amount of Metropolitan Urban Service Area <br />(MUSA) reserve acres. The MUSA reserve acres acquired from the Metropolitan Council <br />were calculated based on a specified amount of growth in specified areas. The total did not <br />include growth resulting from converting existing low density unsewered residential areas to <br />sewered areas <br />4. The Mar Don Acres development is guided for Low Density Unsewered Residential land use <br />on the proposed land use map, and is not in a Stage 1 (pre -2010) growth area. <br />5. Several property owners in Mar Don Acres desire to subdivide their one -acre lots and <br />provide public sanitary sewer and water service to the properties. Several of these properties <br />are included in a plat called Hailey Manor, but others are not. <br />6. It is in the public interest to provide public sanitary sewer and water service to existing lots <br />with homes that do not have such service, particularly on lots with limited space for <br />replacement onsite individual sewage treatment systems. <br />7. The City requires that any new lots under ten acres in size must have public sanitary sewer <br />and water service. <br />8. Public sanitary sewer service cannot be extended into areas outside the MUSA. <br />• 9. The comprehensive plan requires that MUSA would be available to an unsewered residential <br />subdivision only with a Comprehensive Plan amendment. <br />10. A public hearing was held before the Planning & Zoning Board on July 9, 2003. <br />