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5 <br />§ 1103.05--04 ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONING DISTRICT. <br />(1) Districts. <br />a) Floodwav District. The Floodwav District includes those areas designated as <br />floodway on the Flood Insurance Rate Map adopted in § 1103.02(3). For lakes, wetlands <br />and other basins, the Floodway District includes those areas designated as Zone A or AE <br />on the Flood Insurance Rate Map that are at or below the ordinary high water level as <br />defined in Minnesota Statutes. Section 103G.005. subdivision 14. <br />(b) Flood Fringe District. The Flood Fringe District includes those areas designated <br />as floodway fringe on the Flood Insurance Rate Map adopted in § 1103.02(3), as being <br />within Zone AE but being located outside of the floodway. For lakes, wetlands and other <br />basins (that do not have a floodway desi_ng ated), the Flood Fringe District includes those <br />areas designated as Zone A or AE on the Flood Insurance Rate Map panels adopted in <br />1103.02(3) that are below the 1% annual chance (100-year) flood elevation but above the <br />ordinary high water level as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 103G.005, <br />subdivision 14. <br />(c) —Flood Plain Over ay Dist ietGeneral Floodplain District. The General <br />Floodplain District includes those areas designated as Zone A or Zone AE without a <br />floodway on the Flood Insurance Rate Map adopted in § 1103.02(3), but not subject to <br />the criteria in § 1103.04(1)(a) and (b) above.The Flood Plain Over -lay District shag <br />inelude these areas designated as unnumbered A Zones on the flood instffanee rate map <br />(25) Compliance. Within the floodplain districts established in this ordinance, the use <br />of any land, the use, size, type and location of structures on lots, the installation and <br />maintenance of transportation, utility, water supply and waste treatment facilities, and the <br />subdivision of land must complyy N new s*m,.*,,,.v or- land shall he-eafte,- be used and no <br />eomplianee—with the terms of this chapter and otherthe applicable regulations whieh apply <br />to uses ,.ithi,, the jurisdiction of this ehapter All uses not listed as permitted uses or <br />conditional uses in § 1103.05, 1103.06, and 1103.07, respectively shall be prohibited. <br />In addition, a caution is provided here that: <br />(a) New and replacement manufactured homes , replacement manufactured homes <br />i[�ISU <br />