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Code, in addition to the following supplemental information: <br />1. Determination of flood hazards. <br />a. Upon receipt of an application for a conditional use permit for a use within the <br />Flood Plain Overlay District where the regulatory flood protection elevation is unknown, <br />the applicant shall be required to furnish the following information as is deemed <br />necessary by the Zoning Administrator for the determination of the regulatory flood <br />protection elevation: <br />i. A typical cross section showing the channel of the stream, elevation of land <br />areas adjoining each side of the channel, cross-sectional areas to be occupied by the <br />proposed development and high water information; <br />ii. Plan (surface view) showing elevations or contours of the ground; pertinent <br />structures, fill or storage elevations; size, location and spatial arrangement of all proposed <br />and existing structures on the site; location and elevation of streets; photographs showing <br />existing land uses and vegetation upstream and downstream; and soil type; and <br />iii. Profile showing the slope of the bottom of the channel or flow line of the <br />stream for at least 500 feet in either direction from the proposed development. <br />b. One copy of the above information shall be transmitted to a designated <br />engineer or other expert person or agency for technical assistance in determining whether <br />the proposed use adversely affects the capacity of the flood plain and to determine the <br />regulatory flood protection elevation. Procedures consistent with Minnesota Regulations <br />NR 86-87 shall be followed in this expert evaluation. The designated engineer or expert <br />shall: <br />i. Estimate the peak discharge of the regional flood; <br />ii. Calculate the water surface profile of the regional flood based upon a <br />hydraulic analysis of the stream channel and overbank areas; and <br />iii. Compute the area necessary to convey the regional flood without increasing <br />flood stages more than 0 5 feet. An equal degree of encroachment on both sides of the <br />stream within the reach shall be assumed in computing the area of the regional flood. <br />c. Based upon the technical evaluation of the designated engineer or expert, the <br />City Council shall determine whether the proposed use adversely affects the capacity of <br />the flood plain or the regional flood protection elevation at the site. <br />(b) Factors used in decision making. In passing upon conditional use applications, <br />the City Council must consider all relevant factors specified in other sections of this <br />chapter and those factors identified in § 1103.11(5) of this chapter <br />(c) Conditions attached to conditional use permits. The City Council may attach <br />such conditions to the granting of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary to <br />fulfill the purpose of this chapter. These conditions may include, but are not limited to, <br />the following: <br />21 of 25 <br />