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CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />RESOLUTION NO. 02-115 <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING A MINOR SUBDIVISION <br />FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 82XX WEST RONDEAU LAKE ROAD <br />(LARAINE CARDARELLI & CRAIG SEVERSON PROPERTY) <br />(see attached legal description) <br />WHEREAS, the City has received an application for a Minor Subdivision of property, and <br />WHEREAS, the City's zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations provide for and establish <br />requirements Minor Subdivisions, and <br />WHEREAS, the proposed Minor Subdivision would result in the creation of property in <br />conformance with the above -stated ordinance and regulations, <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Lino Lakes City Council approves the proposed <br />Minor Subdivision as described by the attached document entitled "Certificate of Survey for <br />Laraine Cardarelli & Craig Severson" by Blake L. Rivard, Land Surveyor, dated July 17, 2002. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following conditions of approval apply: <br />1.) A park dedication fee of $1,665 to be paid prior to the certification and recording of <br />the Minor Subdivision. <br />2.) The applicant shall dedicate to the City drainage and utility easements measuring ten <br />feet in width along the front and rear property lines, five feet in width along side <br />property lines, and covering all ponding and wetland areas. Such dedication shall be <br />in the form of a Quit Claim Deed, per the City attorney, to be submitted prior to the <br />certification and recording of the Minor Subdivision. <br />3.) The applicant shall dedicate to the City a 33 -foot wide permanent public right-of-way <br />adjacent to West Rondeau Lake Road. Such dedication shall be in the form of a Quit <br />Claim Deed, per the City attorney, to be submitted prior to the certification and <br />recording of the Minor Subdivision. <br />cry <br />Adopted by the Lino Lakes City Council this - da x, 2002. <br />ATTEST: <br />Ann Blair,,Qlty Clerk <br />ohn J. ergeson, Mayor <br />