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Page 2 <br />Resolution 2000-18 <br />WHEREAS, The City Council supports the preparation of an environmental study which <br />will address a Native Landscape Management Program. This plan will <br />incorporate specific action steps for existing and future restoration areas. <br />This plan will become a part of the Environmental Management Plan and <br />ultimately included as part to the city Comprehensive Plan <br />WHEREAS, The City Council supports the Preservation Development Program to <br />preserve open space and make for more environmentally benign <br />development. <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: <br />1. That the Lino Lakes City Council hereby requests that $4,700 of its 2000-2001 <br />C.D.B.G. funds be designated for the Anoka County Community Action <br />Program. <br />2. That the Lino Lakes City Council hereby requests that $4,000.00 of its 2000-2001 <br />C.D.B.G. funds be designated for Intervention, Prevention and Community <br />Advocacy Services provided by the Alexandra House. <br />3. That the Lino Lakes City Council hereby requests that $300.00 of its 2000-2001 <br />C.D.B.G. for the ARC of Anoka and Ramsey Counties <br />4. That the Lino Lakes City Council hereby requests that $1,000.00 of its 2000-2001 <br />C.D.B.G funds be designated towards the Community Emergency Assistance <br />Program. <br />5. That the Lino Lakes City Council hereby requests that $4,500.00 of its 2000-2001 <br />C.D.B.G funds be designated towards the Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau <br />program. <br />6. That the Lino Lakes City Council hereby requests that $2,992.00 of its 2000-2001 <br />C.D.B.G funds be designated towards the North Anoka Meals on Wheels program. <br />7. That the Lino Lakes City Council hereby requests that $1,000.00 of its 2000-2001 <br />C.D.B.G funds be designated towards the Rise program. <br />8. That the Lino Lakes City Council hereby requests that $4,000.00 of its 2000-2001 <br />C.D.B.G. funds be used to assist in paying for the formation of a Septic System <br />Ordinance. <br />9. That the Lino Lakes City Council hereby requests that $5,000.00 of its 2000-2001 <br />C.D.B.G. funds be used to pay for an environmental study that will address a <br />Native Landscape Management Program. <br />