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2015-001 Council Ordinances
City Council
City Council Ordinances
2015-001 Council Ordinances
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Last modified
1/19/2016 11:21:42 AM
Creation date
1/19/2016 9:59:13 AM
City Council
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The HD PEG Channel will be assigned a number near the other high <br />definition local broadcast stations if such channel positions are not already <br />taken, or if that is not possible, near high definition news/public affairs <br />programming channels if such channel positions are not already taken, or <br />if not possible. as reasonably close as available channel numbering will <br />allow. <br />City acknowledges that HD programming may require the viewer to have <br />special viewer equipment (such as an HDTV and an HD -capable digital <br />device/receiver). but any subscriber who can view an HD signal delivered <br />via the cable system at a receiver shall also be able to view the HD PEG <br />channel at that receiver. without additional charges or equipment. By <br />agreeing to make PEG available in HD format, Grantee is not agreeing it <br />may be required to provide free HD equipment to customers including <br />complimentary municipal and educational accounts and universal service <br />accounts. nor modify its equipment or pricing policies in any manner. <br />City acknowledges that not every customer may be able to view HD PEG <br />programming (for example. because they don't have an HDTV in their <br />home or have chosen not to take an HD capable receiving device from <br />Grantee or other equipment provider) or on every TV in the home. <br />Grantee will provide a bill message announcing the launch of the HD PEG <br />channel; however City acknowledges that not all customers may receive <br />the bill message notice in advance of the channel launch in the interests of <br />launching the channel sooner. <br />Grantee will make available to the City the ability to place PEG channel <br />programming information on the interactive channel guide by putting the <br />City in contact with the electronic programing guide vendor ("EPG <br />provider") that provides the guide service. Grantee will be responsible for <br />providing the designations and instructions necessary to ensure the <br />channels will appear on the programming guide throughout the <br />jurisdictions that are part of the City and any necessary headend costs <br />associated therewith. The City shall be responsible for providing <br />programming information to the EPG provider and for any costs the EPG <br />provider charges to programmers who participate in its service. This <br />obligation shall not apply to any PEG channels for which there is a <br />technical impediment to providing guide listings. for example, in the event <br />a PEG channel is narrowcasted or split among more than one PEG <br />programmer or source such that not all viewers see the same programming <br />on that channel. <br />Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and <br />publication according to the Lino Lakes City Charter and upon the acceptance of Comcast of <br />Minnesota, Inc. <br />Adopted by the Lino Lakes City Council this 26th day of January, 2015. <br />
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