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Council Member Elliott introduced the following resolution and <br />moved its adoption: <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />RESOLUTION NO. 92 — 54 <br />RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATIONS OF PLANS FOR BIRCH STREET TUNNEL <br />IMPROVEMENT <br />WHEREAS: it has been determined that a tunnel under Birch Street, <br />(CSAH 10) is required to protect the safety of school <br />children walking to the school and park users at the Rice <br />Lake Elementary School site, and <br />WHEREAS: the City of Lino Lakes has been requested to enter into <br />an agreement with Centennial School District No. 12 for <br />the construction and payment of costs for the <br />construction of the tunnel, <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF LINO LAKES, <br />MINNESOTA: <br />1. The Council finds and determines that said Birch Street tunnel <br />is necessary to protect the safety of children and adults <br />using the Rice Lake Elementary School and park. <br />2. The City of Lino Lakes will enter into a letter of agreement <br />with Centennial School District No. 12 for the construction <br />and payment of costs for the construction of the tunnel. <br />3. Dan Boxrud, SEH is hereby designated as the engineer for this <br />improvement. He shall prepare plans and specifications for <br />the making of such improvement. <br />Adopted by the Council the 13th day of Apr , 1992. <br />Vernon F. Reinert, Mayor <br />Marilyn G. Anderson, Clerk -Treasurer <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly <br />seconded by Council Member Kuether and upon vote being taken <br />thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Neal, Kuether, Reinert, <br />Elliott, Bergeson. <br />The following voted against same: none. <br />Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />