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Council member Kuether introduced the <br />following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />RESOLUTION NUMBER 92- 60 <br />RESOLUTION CLOSING CERTAIN PROJECTS WITHIN THE INTERIM <br />CONSTRUCTION FUND BASED ON RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE CITY <br />ENGINEER. <br />WHEREAS, the following costs for certain projects within the <br />Interim construction fund should be closed into the <br />1991 Wenzel Farms Improvement project: <br />PROJECT NAME <br />Rice Lake Court <br />Rice Lake Drive <br />AND WHEREAS, the following <br />construction fund for Ware <br />Reshanau Trunk Improvement <br />will be $4,000.00, and <br />TOTAL TRANSFER <br />$2,216.52 <br />$ 135.33 <br />project costs within the Interim <br />Road, will be closed into the 1991 <br />project. Total costs to transfer <br />WHEREAS, the following project costs within the interim <br />construction fund for Elm Street, will be closed by a <br />transfer from the Closed Bond Fund to close out the project. <br />Total Revenue to transfer will be $2,500.00. <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following transfers be <br />made retroactively to December 1991. <br />Passed the 13th <br />Mari <br />yn / . Anderson, C erk-Treasurer <br />day of <br />Vernon F. Reinert <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was <br />duly seconded by and upon vote being taken thereon, the <br />following voted in favor thereof: Neal, Reinert, Kuether, Elliott, <br />Bergeson. <br />The following voted against same: <br />none. <br />